1. This Wednesday in Canada there will be tests of the emergency broadcast system (“through television, radio and LTE-connected and compatible wireless devices”).
Two more excerpts:
“A test of Alert Ready, Canada’s National Public Alerting System, will take place on Wednesday, November 20 across most provinces and territories. Canadians in participating provinces and territories will receive one test message from their respective provincial or territorial emergency management organization over television, radio and compatible wireless devices at the times indicated below.”
”… not all Canadians will receive the test alert on their mobile device. This may occur for a variety of reasons – device compatibility, connection to an LTE or 5G network, cell tower coverage and device software and settings.”
The test schedule is not simultaneously at all locations. Please refer to the chart below — the scheduled times listed are the local times.
(click on photo to enlarge)

If the chart does not include your location, I do not know if your location will nevertheless be irradiated at the time as the scheduled neighbouring locations even though your personal devices will not give you a test alert message. I would guess that in un-scheduled locations at least areas near their borders will be impacted. Similarly, I do not know but would guess all countries that border Canada will be impacted at least near the borders.
This chart is from the news release by Pelmorex Corp. at:
The name of the system is: Alert Ready. I want to warn you in case you might prefer to NOT visit its website:
• the vivid clever graphic and message there are shocking and may upset you; for those of you who prefer to avoid that shock, in my next UPDATE I will do my best to briefly describe those vivid items as gently as I can;
• its version of the time schedule chart is confusing, as the list includes the previous tests in May 2024 in clear black text and the newer November 2024 tests are in weaker gray text.
2. New chair of the FCC (in the United States).
Mr. Trump has selected Brendan Carr (previously an FCC Commissioner) to be FCC Chair. Here are the opinions of an industry article:
3. Research published regarding effects on sleep.
“Does radiofrequency radiation impact sleep? A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study
Nicole Bijlsma1,2* Russell Conduit1 Gerard Kennedy1,3,4 Marc Cohen5
1 School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University, Bundoora, VIC, Australia
2 Australian College of Environmental Studies, Warrandyte, VIC, Australia
3 School of Science, Psychology and Sport, Federation University, Mount Helen, VIC, Australia
4 Austin Health, Institute for Breathing and Sleep, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia
5 The Extreme Wellness Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
The most common source of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) exposures during sleep includes digital devices, yet there are no studies investigating the impact of multi-night exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted from a baby monitor on sleep under real-world conditions in healthy adults. Given the rise in the number of people reporting to be sensitive to manmade electromagnetic fields, the ubiquitous use of Wi-Fi enabled digital devices and the lack of real-world data, we investigated the effect of 2.45 GHz radiofrequency exposure during sleep on subjective sleep quality, and objective sleep measures, heart rate variability and actigraphy in healthy adults. This pilot study was a 4-week randomised, double-blind, crossover trial of 12 healthy adults. After a one-week run-in period, participants were randomised to exposure from either an active or inactive (sham) baby monitor for 7 nights and then crossed over to the alternate intervention after a one-week washout period. Subjective and objective assessments of sleep included the Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating Scale (PIRS-20), electroencephalography (EEG), actigraphy and heart rate variability (HRV) derived from electrocardiogram. Sleep quality was reduced significantly (p < 0.05) and clinically meaningful during RF-EMF exposure compared to sham-exposure as indicated by the PIRS-20 scores. Furthermore, at higher frequencies (gamma, beta and theta bands), EEG power density significantly increased during the Non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences in HRV or actigraphy were detected. Our findings suggest that exposure to a 2.45 GHz radiofrequency device (baby monitor) may impact sleep in some people under real-world conditions however further large-scale real-world investigations with specified dosimetry are required to confirm these findings.”
Full text is at:
4. New 28-minute video is informative about various aspects of why-to and how-to prevent electrosmog.
This video is also a great demonstration of how to have a friendly eye-opening conversation about our topics.
Cecelia Doucette’s TECH SAFE 42: Gina Lauria & Safe Housing
Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
~ Sent from my corded device using a wired internet connection, with all wireless OFF. A conscious choice. For cleaner air everywhere. For people & planet ♥️
How to practice safe tech & e-hygiene to prevent electrosmog:
1 • Cords & adaptors (instead of wireless radiation). Prefer, provide & request cords/cables to connect devices & places.
2 • Downloads (instead of streaming radiation). Prefer, provide & request apps & media you can use offline.
3 • Awareness. Know what & how to connect non-wirelessly, and help others know.
4 • Caution. Use caution with all types of power.
5 • Kindness. Be kind to yourself, others & the environment.
Thank you for helping everyone realize it’s better to prevent electrosmog.