1. For Residents of Williams Beach in Merville, BC (Canada)
Handy details, email addresses, flyers, letters, petition, ideas, etc. are available to you. Please send an email to VISTA (Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance) to request the informative email message and attachments. Contact VISTA at:
Excerpts from VISTA’s email message:
Dear Williams Beach Residents,
NOW IS THE TIME TO WRITE AND CALL THE CVRD AND HAVE YOUR VOICES HEARD! The Area Directors are likely voting on it at their next EASC meeting, on *Mon, Dec 9, 2024! (*check the CVRD’s website to confirm if it’s on the agenda once it’s posted the Friday before).
Tower Installation Project / Reference: W6699 – Williams Beach
63.0-meter tall self-support tower at 1351 Larkin Road, Merville, BC V0R 2M0
2. We often receive inquiries regarding school environments. Staff, parents, grandparents, and other community members inquire. Here are some informative webpages.
a) All the navigation tabs at: https://www.techsafeschools.org/
b) https://ehtrust.org/wifi-in-schools-tool-kit/
c) Massachusetts for Safe Technology: https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/wi-fi-in-schools
d) The International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age:
home page – https://www.thechildrensdeclaration.org/
the Declaration (in several languages) – https://www.thechildrensdeclaration.org/the-declaration
the Signatories – https://www.thechildrensdeclaration.org/signatories
e) (journal article) Building science and radiofrequency radiation: What makes smart and healthy buildings – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360132319305347
f) Canadian Committee on Indoor Air Quality
“Module 14 – Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and Productivity in Workplaces/ Achievement in Schools The purpose of this guide is to inform building designers, managers, operators, educational authorities, employers, occupants and visitors about indoor environmental quality (IEQ), in relation to well-being, students’ achievement in educational settings, and workers’ productivity.”
3. “School Board Bans Cell Towers on Campuses”
This news article was published in September 2024. The wording is a bit jumbled in some places, but you will get the gist of it.
4. “Smart meters – the smarter choice for whom?” — a recent post by Alliance For Natural Health International
A detailed overview article – https://www.anhinternational.org/news/smart-meters-the-smarter-choice-for-whom/
Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
~ Sent from my corded device using a wired internet connection, with all wireless OFF. A conscious choice. For cleaner air everywhere. For people & planet ♥️
How to practice safe tech & e-hygiene to prevent electrosmog:
1 • Cords & adaptors (instead of wireless radiation). Prefer, provide & request cords/cables to connect devices & places.
2 • Downloads (instead of streaming radiation). Prefer, provide & request apps & media you can use offline.
3 • Awareness. Know what & how to connect non-wirelessly, and help others know.
4 • Caution. Use caution with all types of power.
5 • Kindness. Be kind to yourself, others & the environment.
Thank you for helping everyone realize it’s better to prevent electrosmog.
(click on photo to enlarge)

– https://citizensforsafertech.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Appel-5G-Appeal.jpg