1. Wherever you are…”Wanted: 10 Local Champions for Safe Tech in Schools!”
Cece Doucette and the Massachusetts for Safe Technology team has an ASK. Their email address is:
”We are looking for diplomatic citizens in ten towns to join us in a pilot project, and we already have five.
Please reply to this email if you’d like to be considered for this pilot too, and we can provide more details. Folks are encouraged to join us from across the U.S., Canada and abroad.
It’ll be fun to work together, let’s do this for the kids!”
– https://us20.campaign-archive.com/?u=62f2cbcbd8eeef4c8fe3da281&id=6cc24b1715
2. CHEJ Training Call: Environmental Health and Illness
Free online Tuesday, October 15th, at 12:00pm ET.
Sponsor CHEJ is “Centre for Health, Environmental and Justice.”
“Dr. Nagy will provide an introduction to chemical sensitivity and environmental illness, define this illness, what causes it, how common it is, how it affects the body, what the symptoms are and what you can do if you have these symptoms.”
More details and registration:
– https://actionnetwork.org/events/chej-training-call-environmental-health-and-illness
3. News coverage: ”Wetaskiwin county resident opposes proposed cell tower due to health concerns”
Wetaskiwin is in Alberta.
At the bottom of this article:
”The deadline for the public to submit written comments to Rogers about the proposed cell tower is the end of the business day on Oct. 21. Comments can be mailed to:
Rogers Communications Inc./LandSolutions Inc., 1420, 333 – 11 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1L9,
or emailed to: comments@landsolutions.ca
Submitted comments should include the reference code “W6377 Buck Lake” as well as a return address.”
4. A new directory initiative for Canada and the US: “to expand and make visible the pool of EMF literate health Practitioners in the U.S. and Canada.”
Below is a letter from Sharon Goldberg, MD. I noticed that the link near the end of the letter, for signing up to their mailing list, does not work on all computers or all browsers; if you land at the webpage and it appears to only show a donation section below the text content, please try a different internet browser.
[For example, on my older computer, I could not see the mailing list sign-up using Firefox but I could see it when using Chrome.]
Here is the letter:
I am writing this on behalf of the Clinical Electromagnetics Collaborative – a new Building Biology Institute initiative that is working to expand and make visible the pool of EMF literate health practitioners in the US and Canada.
We are now actively reaching out to the physicians and health practitioners in our network to find as many EMF literate/aware practitioners as we can. We expect to have a practitioner database go live by late 2024. This will feature all the health practitioners who wish to opt into our free directory listing.
Please help us locate EMF Literate or Aware Health Practitioners!
How you can help:
If you know of any physicians, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, dentists, vets (literally any type of health practitioner who understands that EMF is a true health issue), please send us their practice information. We will then send them information on our initiative and offer them participation in the practitioner directory.
Additional Information:
The CEC is a roadmap for shifting public opinion around the EMF health effects debate and for advancing access to EMF informed healthcare in North America.
To submit the names of health practitioners to us, please contact:
Lauren Sauvageot, Interim Director of Operations at: info@clinicalelectromagnetics.org
For more information, or to sign up for our mailing list to be notified once the directory goes live, please check out our landing page:
– https://clinicalelectromagnetics.org/
In Health,
Sharon Goldberg, MD
Integrative Internal Medicine Physician
Santa Fe, NM, USA
Program Director – Clinical Electromagnetics Collaborative
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.
A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.
How to practice safe tech & e-hygiene to prevent electrosmog:
1 • Cords & adaptors (instead of wireless radiation). Prefer, provide & request cords/cables to connect devices & places.
2 • Downloads (instead of streaming radiation). Prefer, provide & request apps & media you can use offline.
3 • Awareness. Know what & how to connect non-wirelessly, and help others know.
4 • Caution. Use caution with all types of power.
5 • Kindness. Be kind to yourself, others & the environment.
Thank you for helping everyone realize it’s better to prevent electrosmog.
Hey, hey, hey! Magnify the two text pages in these photos of a new book about educating young childhood education book published August 29th, 2024 by Canadian author Susie Beghin — so you can read the paragraph at the bottom of page 71, continuing at the top of page 72 and inside the first “Pro Tip” grey box.
(click on photo to enlarge)