1. TUESDAY ACTION. Wherever you are.
On Tuesday, October 8th, starting at 7:30pm ET, you can online attend the free, informative, live presentation “Less Screen More Green” by Kerry Crofton, PhD, hosted by Canadians For Safe Technology (C4ST).
Zoom link and phone-in numbers are in the first item’s details at:
– https://gem.godaddy.com/p/5d5a1b1
Registration is not required.
Usually there is plenty of time for Q&A after the presentation.
I hope to see many of you there!
2. Reducing wireless RF emissions and exposures when driving.
Dr. Magda Havas suggests:
“Check out this link on how to reduce your radio wave exposure in a Toyota and please share this information even if you don’t own a Toyota.”
(click on photo to enlarge)
– https://erwinsalarda.com/how-to-cancel-toyotas-radio-wave-irradiation-stop-mode/
3. New report dated October 1, 2024: “Solid State Lighting: Review of Health Effects.”
Before giving details about the report, here are two Foods-For-Thought:
a) Emissions of visible light are EMR (electromagnetic radiation). In physics, all of the EMF spectrum is “light,” as noted here in a post titled “The Basics of Light,” by Dr. William P. Blair, who is an Astrophysicist and Research Professor at Johns Hopkins University:
[excerpt:] Visible light is a tiny portion of a huge smorgasboard of light called the electromagnetic spectrum. For our convenience, we break this smorgasboard up into different courses (appetizer, salad, etc.) and refer to them by name, such as gamma-rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and radio. However, it is important to remember that they are all just light. There are no “breaks” and no hard boundaries in the electromagnetic spectrum—just a continuous range of energy. [end of excerpt] from:
– https://blair.pha.jhu.edu/spectroscopy/basics.html
b) Notice that the formal term for “flicker” is: “temporal light modulation.”
So. Now about the new report…
Authors are: 1 in France; 2 in Canada; 4 in Australia.
This is an excerpt from its official News Release [bold emphasis added by me]:
One of the key health-related topics of interest with lighting is temporal light modulation (TLM), more commonly known as “flicker”. Dr. Jennifer Veitch from the National Research Council of Canada and one of the report’s lead authors noted, “There is ample evidence that TLM affects human physiology and behaviour, with implications for health and well-being. TLM is detrimental to lighting quality and to health, disrupting brain activity and eye movements, and affecting cognitive performance. It can cause eyestrain, headache, fatigue, and other symptoms, particularly over longer periods. These effects can be debilitating to the fraction of the population showing a higher sensitivity to TLM and degrade lighting quality for everyone.” [end of excerpt]
I read the News Release and glanced through the 140-page report. I believe it is important, for various reasons, that you read the NEWS RELEASE:
– https://www.iea-4e.org/ssl/news/new-comprehensive-report-on-health-effects-of-solid-state-lighting/
and at least glance at THE REPORT (140-page pdf) to notice what is available in it, because most of its chapters have their own “Conclusions” and “Recommendations” sections; then there are two overall chapters “Conclusions” and “Recommendations;” and References are plentiful (pages 107–139). [Canada’s Dr. Veitch is an author in 18 of the References.]
– https://www.iea-4e.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/HEALTH-REPORT-IEA-4E-SSLC-Platform.pdf
You might want to notice at the bottom of the NEWS RELEASE there are three accompanying free webinars (registration is required):
“The findings of this report will be presented across three webinars on 19, 20 and 21 November. Each of these webinars will be held twice, covering the same content, once for the Australian / Asian time zones and once for the European / American time zones.”
p.s. For Wayback Machine users, I saved both of the above weblinks.
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.
A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.
(click on photo to enlarge)