1. Thanks to Massachusetts for Safe Technology, it is easy for you to regularly plant seeds of prevention. Invite anyone and everyone to their free webinars. The next one is on Tuesday, September 24th 6-8pm ET.
“Massachusetts for Safe Technology is honored to collaborate with Patti Wood, Co-Creator of the Tech Safe Schools project for September’s webinars! Join us in these fact-filled discussions for parents, guardians, grandparents, teachers, health care practitioners, school committees, administrators and IT personnel. All are welcome to to come learn about today’s wireless radiation health risks in schools, and walk away with excellent resources available to help our schools stay connected and protected TODAY! You’ll also discover why we don’t know, and actions taking place in the courts and legislatures to transition to safer technology.”
Free registration:
2. New submission by Prevent Cancer Now (PCN) to HESA [Canada’s federal government House of Commons Standing Committee on Health] & a handy tool for you & insights about interacting with your local Member of Parliament (MP)
The first link below gives you:
1. PCN’s overview email message “Parliament’s Health Committee is poised to study cancer” – which includes “Primary prevention addresses root contributors to the disease process such as pollution, … and electromagnetic radiation exposures.”
2. At the bottom a red bar “CLICK HERE to ask your MP for their support,” which lands you at a brief background explainer, a button that automatically opens a “starter” email that you can complete and customize to send to various federal government representatives and to your MP;
3. Insights about interacting with your local MP *NOTE: applying or adapting these insights could help you succeed regarding ANY TOPIC whenever you would want support from your local MP (and your local representatives of any level of government).
The direct link to PCN’s 8-page submission to HESA is:
where on Page 3 approximately half the page is a section “Electromagnetic fields,” and it includes numerous weblinks, and also the Bibliography includes many excellent references.
3. Lawsuit filed September 23, 2024 regarding health concerns due to the visible EMR emissions from LED vehicle headlamps
“Mark Baker, President of the Soft Lights Foundation, filed a lawsuit against the US Food and Drug Administration and US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for failure to comply with 21 U.S.C. 360ii(a)(6)(A) and maintain a liaison for LED vehicle headlamps, and against the FDA for dissolving TEPRSSC, in violation of with 21 U.S.C. 360kk(f).”
And here is a petition:
4. Low Earth Orbit (LEO) spatellites
Please do not be fooled by this article’s wording “brighter” and “blinding.” This article is not about the visible light reflected by the satellites’ equipment. The article is about radiofrequency emissions.
Here are a few excerpts:
– … the team detected unintended electromagnetic radiation (UEMR) from almost all the Starlink satellites observed, including both first-generation and second-generation satellites.
– … our observations show that the second-generation Starlink satellites emit stronger emission and do so over a larger range of radio frequencies, compared to the first-generation satellites….
– The analysis revealed that these newer satellites emit up to 32 times brighter unintended radio waves compared to the first generation, with levels potentially exceeding internationally regulated thresholds for interference set for intentional emissions and even more relaxed terrestrial electromagnetic compatibility standards.
The Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy article is at:
5. In Canada, it seems that the Bank of Canada will not be forcing us to have digital currency — yet. Surely if all currency becomes digital-only, this would require everyone to use electronic devices and use them wirelessly.
A recent CBC news article — please do not make too many assumptions from it. For example, the person’s opinion/quoted near the end of the article is not a Bank of Canada representative. Please keep in mind that moving a file from a current work area to a shelf does not mean that the file cannot someday again become current.
The Bank of Canada staff discussion paper that the CBC article mentioned is:
It is 25 pages, so I did not read all of it. There is a “Conclusion” (Section 7) you might want to read. I think it means that the Bank of Canada staff recommends that there will be a need for official digital currency and that other types of official currency should not be eliminated.
Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
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