1. The agenda of Canadians For Safe Technology (C4ST)
Everyone is welcome to attend the Zoom meeting:
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
7:30 pm ET
More information and the Zoom link and Zoom phone numbers are available at this shareable webpage
2. TV show “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” interview with Disability/Accessibility and Legal expert David Lepofsky.
I am sure we can learn a lot. David Lepofsky is a respected expert involved with all levels of governments in Canada regarding accessibility matters and disability barriers. He is Chair of the AODA Alliance (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance).
I am going to paste an excerpt below from the following link, however, please-please-please do also visit the link because additional extremely interesting content is there, as well as a “How You Can Help” call-to-action (which also includes a link to an academically published 287-page memoir, published in April 2024, titled Swimming Up Niagara Falls! The Battle to Get Disability Rights Added to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I am sure many of us can relate to that sentiment; I bookmarked the memoir in my internet browser to read it later!
– – – – – excerpt begins:
On Monday, September 16, 2024, at 8 and 11 pm EDT, watch TVO’s flagship current affairs program “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” …. It will also stream live on the X (previously Twitter) feed and Facebook page of “The Agenda with Steve Paikin”.
This 26-minute interview will be permanently available on The Agenda’s YouTube channel within a few hours after it airs, if not immediately. We will publicize the YouTube link once we get it. In the past, captions have been added shortly after the broadcast.
How did Canada end up being the first of any western democracy to enact a constitutional guarantee of equality rights for people with disabilities? A new memoir tells the saga of how this uphill battle was won despite enormous obstacles. It is written by blind lawyer and law professor David Lepofsky, one of the grassroots disability activists who took part in the campaign over four decades ago to win this ground-breaking constitutional right.
This is the first retrospective to describe in detail the origin of the disability amendment to the Charter. It is a behind-the-scenes account of disability rights advocacy. Its story resonates to this day for millions of people with disabilities in Canada.
– – – – – end of excerpt
3. A change in the smeter deployment agenda in Australia.
”Implementation of the Accelerating Smart Meter Deployment draft rule has now been pushed out from the original date slated for early July to 28 November 2024.
This provides a small reprieve for Australians. But for those of us who place safety above profits, it gives cold comfort in the light of the AEMC’s refusal to genuinely engage with members of the community.
The AEMC has not, to-date, made an attempt to publicly address safety concerns that were raised in submissions. Instead, it has elected to only focus on retail tariff issues. Submissions for these were due on 12 September.”
See the September 13, 2024 post at
4. Hmm, lately some goliath companies’ agendas have been disrupted?
You might recall I recently posted about Brazil standing up against Starlink. Have a glance at all these other recent headlines!
Federal Court of Appeal sides with privacy watchdog in long-running FACEBOOK case
EU court rules GOOGLE must pay €2.4bn fine
The first story here, “Bite out of APPLE”
Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
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#MyAgenda #WhateverItTakes
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