2024-09-11 Essentials

1.   Havana Syndrome

This seems odd, to say the least. After all this time, poof, suddenly this will disappear?! [I was unable to find a Government of Canada announcement about the similarly affected Canadians.]


”NIH Stops Havana Syndrome Study After Investigating Coercion Claims — Regulatory, policy requirements not met, agency says”


More infohttps://stopsmartmetersbc.com/us-senate-finally-admits-that-neuroweapons-exist-passes-bill-to-help-diplomat-victims-s-1828-havana-act-of-2021/

2. Do you (or someone you know) live, work, play, or routinely travel in these road areas in Canada?

“CRTC [Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission] is taking action to improve cellphone service along nearly one hundred kilometres of major roads in Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, and Ontario.”

If you find your area in the list in the first link below and you would like to connect with other citizens who are in the same area, please send me an email at epic@iexistworld.org with subject line “Roads” and mention which road area in the list is yours.


and background information is at:


3. “Electromagnetic fields” is in Prevent Cancer Now’s recent submission to the Government of Canada’s Parliamentary Health Committee (HESA), which is studying “Cancer treatment and prevention.”

You can read it and download the pdf at:


You may also want to look at the second item, Submission to Bracebridge Council Regarding Proposed Cell Tower (which is a letter from PCN Chair Meg Sears PhD), and other items in the list at:


4. Upcoming free webinar on September 25th “Health Hazards of Wireless Technologies: What do we know now?” with featured speaker Joel M. Moskowitz PhD, who is Director of the Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley.

Presented by Collaborative For Health & Environment (CHE). For more details and to RSVP go to:


Whether or not you RSVP or attend, already at that link there is a button that shows where you can view video of two of his previous webinars and download the slides Dr. Moskowitz used at each of those.

(excerpt regarding the upcoming Sept. 25th presentation:)
”In this webinar, Dr. Joel Moskowitz will provide a brief overview of selected recent studies on health hazards of wireless technologies. He will briefly discuss a meta-analysis of case-control studies of cell phone use and tumor risk, as well as the state of the evidence on children’s brain cancers, thyroid cancers, and other health hazards. This webinar is designed to provide a brief introduction to a subset of the recent scientific evidence, with a focus on cancer and on children’s health.

5. Our favourite headline, from Louis Slesin PhD, Editor of Microwave News:

“Old Wine in New Bottles” about the WHO–ICNIRP Cancer review.

Louis Slesin’s brief introductory email message is at:


Full text of the September 11th Microwave News article
– – – – –
“Old Wine in New Bottles
Decoding New WHO–ICNIRP Cancer Review
Game Over? Likely Not”
– – – – –
is at:



Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.
A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.


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(click on photo to enlarge)


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation