2024-09-02 BC opportunity | Snowflake | FCC | Mensa

1. B.C. gas meters

Here is an opportunity to submit information requests if you want more information regarding B.C.’s radio-off” gas meters, such as opt out provision, related costs (disability/accessibility accommodation instead), etc.

“On August 28, 2024, the BCUC issued Order G-235-24 establishing the following regulatory timetable for the review of the Application.”

On the third page at this link, you will see the timetable;

comments are due by October 24, 2024


“Please be advised that on August 7, 2024, FEI filed an application with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) seeking approval of the FEI Radio-off AMI Meter Option Application (Application).”

Here is the link to FortisBC’s Application:


“Also note that the BCUC has established a webpage for this proceeding at”:


2. News headline:

“Cellular monopole east of Snowflake meets resistance from environmental illness community”

Snowflake is a well-established safer community in Arizona.

Here is a good example of respectful, informative news reporting; and it also includes non-ill individuals who are supportive and kind. Approximately halfway down the webpage there is a large blank gap in the text, so please make sure you keep scrolling to read the entire article.


3. Free registration U.S. webinar “FCC 5G Three-Day Webinar” September 4th, 5th, and 6th, beginning each day at 10:00am Eastern Time (U.S. & Canada)

“The Federal Communications Commission’s Office of Engineering and Technology, in partnership with USTTI, will lead a three-day 5G webinar from September 4th to 6th, 2024. The webinar will be broken into 6 parts, two each day with a chance for participants to ask questions LIVE to FCC officials and experts. Topics will focus on: Spectrum Allocations and Regulatory Models; Site-based Licensing and Shared Spectrum Access; Unlicensed Operations; Equipment Authorization, Standards, and Interoperability; Experimental Licensing, External Research and Development; and Broadband Availability and Infrastructure Deployment. Please join us for this opportunity to collaborate and connect with officials from the Federal Communications Commission.”


4. Will MENSA join in to spread the word? Recent blog media story:

“Camilla Rees Presents on Wireless Risks at Metro D.C. MENSA Conference, Calls on MENSA Members to Join the Fight for Safe Technologies”

This article provides interesting and in-depth ideas, facts, resources, and strategies. Below I have pasted only a few paragraphs of the article. Read the full text at:


MENSA is “the world’s largest, oldest and most famous high IQ society – a thriving global community of around 150,000 highly intelligent people. There are active Mensa organisations on every continent except Antarctica.”


If you do not know who Camilla Rees is (this is below the end of the article):

”Camilla Rees is an award-winning health and environmental activist. She received the “Public Health Award” from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines and the “Jonathan Forman Aware” from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, its highest honor for contribution to the field of Environmental Medicine.”

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Camilla Rees presented on wireless tech risks Saturday at the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. MENSA conference. Her talk was titled, “The Wireless Elephant in the Room: The Biological and Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields–and Steps We Can Take to Protect Our Health in a Wireless Age”.

Rees said, “Scientists predict next generation technologies, like 5G, will have massive biological effects because of the vast number of biologically disruptive pulsations. The pulsations will impact brain structure and function, as well as human intelligence, according to Dr. Martin Pall of Washington State University.

“It is ironic, isn’t it, that in order to facilitate ‘Artificial’ Intelligence, by putting up all these antennas, we are blanketing ourselves in wireless radiation that will impair our own intelligence?”, she told the MENSA audience.
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Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.
A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.


Look at this impressive poster recently created by Massachusetts For Safe Technology https://www.ma4safetech.org/events.
When you open the webpage, you will see the poster’s content shows some good upbeat ways of acknowledging the recent trend to rescue and prevent many harms of too much screen time without diluting the significance of the need to prevent the many harms of screened devices’ radiation emissions/exposures.
[p.s. Do not use the poster unless you get permission from ma4safetech to use it.]

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation