1. Do you regularly share the New Hampshire report?
(a) I notice the New Hampshire report gets mentioned more and more often. Recently in Virginia, there is a school board committee looking at the report, along with a parent who is an “electrical engineer and biomedical engineer who said she had worked in the wireless communications industry,” and she “has addressed the committee several times to raise concerns about reliance on outdated studies on electromagnetic radiation and unknown long-term impacts,” and asked “the committee to halt the building of towers near students….”
Headline: “School Board Committee Backs Cell Tower Ban on School Campuses”
(b) The New Hampshire report is “Final Report of the Commission to Study The Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology.”
[Canadians: Did you know that Paul Héroux, PhD, based at McGill University in Quebec, was one of the Members of that Commission?]
NOTE: Although the entire report is a 390-page pdf, its first pages up to the end of Page 17 (which is page 21 of the pdf) include background info and the Commission’s 15 recommendations.
Here is the Report at the State of New Hampshire website:
2. Do you regularly invite others to attend the live online seminars hosted by Massachusetts for Safe Technology’s?
Their organization hosts free, live zoom events, with usually plenty of time for Q&A. The presentations are frequent, extremely informative, and well-organized; and presentation slides (which also contain many hyperlinks) are usually shared with anyone who wants them, and videos when available.
There are two ways you can share their activities and knowledge:
subscribe to their free, emailed announcements/newsletter at:
and for persons who may be more likely to appreciate a weblink than an email newsletter, you can find current details and any archives by date in this list:
Have a peek at (and share!) their menu of events happening this week (you do not have to be a resident of Massachusetts, anyone can attend). Two of the events are online, and there’s a great poster for “Safer Tech Possibilities at School!”
3. ”Bioelectricity and Cancer Conference” online September 12, 2024, free registration, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (U.S.)
“Bioelectricity”! I am going to make time for as much of this day of free online education for myself as possible. The reference links provided by Microwave News look great too.
Overview is at:
Agenda is at:
”The conference will present and discuss recent research findings relevant to the role of bioelectricity in normal physiology, cancer biology, diagnosis, and management.”
Registration is at:
References I mentioned are at:
Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
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