1. Headline: “Data centres are on course to use as much electricity as the EU”
The statistics in this article are eye-popping. And I notice the writer states, “The growth of AI is, unsurprisingly, one of the biggest culprits.”
2. Specific references about pacemakers.
A recent Health Canada Product Recall on pacemakers:
“… informing customers of the potential for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) to cause an inadvertent mode change”
If the firmware of the pacemaker is not updated, the pacemaker may have a lifespan of only 13 months!
I found more details at Heart Rhythm Society:
such as
“… [some] patients reported the sensation of an elevated heart rate,” “This mode change leads to increased pacing output and rate, resulting in decreased device longevity,” and slightly different wording than the Health Canada Product Recall (bold emphasis added by me) ”… the potential to undergo a mode change due to environmental EMI (electromagnetic interference).” Unless they mean things like lightning, solar flares, or geopathic stress, this EMI must be some type(s) of our electrosmog.
The U.S. government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has a webpage titled “Living With a Pacemaker” (March 2022). When you see some of its points, you might want to add it to your list of references:
3. Headline: “Another WHO RF Review Challenged – More than 99% of Studies on Oxidative Stress Discarded”
WHO’s EMF Project expects the world to believe that something like 11,000 studies are useless! Could it be that the EMF Project researchers’ inclusion criteria decisions are what is useless?! The Microwave News article is, of course, more eloquent than I am; between my dashed lines is Editor Louis Slesin’s announcement:
A dozen years ago, the World Health Organization embarked on a new assessment of RF health effects—for what’s known as an Environmental Health Criteria monograph. In 2019, the WHO’s EMF Project commissioned a set of systematic reviews to serve as the basis for the new EHC.
These reviews are now beginning to appear in the journal Environment International.
It has not been going well.
The systematic review of RF-induced oxidative stress studies was published last week. There are already calls for it to be retracted. This is the third WHO RF systematic review to be challenged as inadequate.
We asked Henry Lai, one of the world’s leading RF scientists, for his opinion of the oxidative stress review. Read what he had to say in our latest story.
Read the Microwave News article at:
which was last updated on August 23, 2024.
4. Imminent activation of cell phone bans in schools across Canada.
We can try to help prevent the waffling by supporting enforcement and safety. Next week, I am going to phone each of my local schools and say something simple like this:
“Hi, I live in your area. I am calling today so that you know we support the cellphone ban and hope you do whatever it takes to enforce it. Thank you.”
Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.
A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.
(click on photo to enlarge)

– https://citizensforsafertech.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Appel-5G-Appeal.jpg