2024-08-16 – More schools ban cellphones

1. Phonegate. THREE MORE cellphones failed the government’s radiation tests in France.

“There are now 54 models of cell phones, identified as dangerous to the health of users, which have been either withdrawn from the French market or have seen their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) updated by software.”

Three new smartphones withdrawn from the market and recalled: the DOOGEE N50, DOOGEE S100 Pro and the OSCAL C80

List of cell phones withdrawn or updated for deception and endangering users


and https://phonegatealert.org/france-liste-portables-dangereux/

and https://phonegatealert.org/es/lista-de-telefonos-moviles-retirados-o-actualizados-por-enganar-y-poner-en-peligro-a-los-usuarios-2/

2. Food for thought because Item 1 mentioned Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).

In my opinion, for the general public, the words “absorption” and “absorb” do not convey the seriousness of emissions and exposures (whether it is regarding non-ionizing EMFs or anything else). This radiation, travelling at extremely high speed, penetrates into everyone.

In 2020, the U.S. government’s National Toxicology Program (NTP) scientists explained (in the excerpt farther below, between the dashed lines, notice the second half of the last sentence; please also notice the wording used is “at least”):

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“The higher frequencies, known as millimeter waves, can rapidly transmit enormous amounts of data with increased network capacity compared with current technologies. Millimeter waves do not travel as far and do not penetrate the body as deeply as do the wavelengths from the lower frequencies. Millimeter waves are likely to penetrate no deeper than the skin, whereas the lower frequencies have been shown to penetrate at least 3 to 4 inches into the human body.”
– – – – –

The above excerpt is from the middle of page 4 of the NTP’s fact sheet pdf in 2020 at the website of the U.S. government’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS):


The excerpt is under the heading “What are NTP’s future plans for studying cellphone RFR and 5G wireless technology?” [NTP’s future plans are currently very different (in effect, discontinued) therefore the current version of their fact sheet is different content.]

[A friendly reminder. If you have the habit of saying 5G is millimeter waves, please consider changing your habit. Many ranges of frequencies are used for what is called “5G” — often 5G frequencies are not millimeter waves. Thank you.]

Note (in case you or persons you would share this with do not already know):

The frequency name “millimeter waves” is the label for the range of the electromagnetic wave spectrum often defined by scientists as 30 GHz to 300 GHz; and for marketing or deployment or licencing or grants (or whatever reasons?!) some companies and governments also use the label “millimeter waves” for other frequency emissions of wireless telecommunications, such as 24 GHz. Whatever the range boundary is for the label, for sure the range of frequencies described by that second half of the last sentence quoted above does include the outdoor and indoor, unnaturally generated emissions of past and current “wireless” infrastructure equipment and so many types of everyday wirelessly communicating devices or electronics or components [e.g.: data and Wi-Fi’s 2.45 GHz, 5 GHz, 6 GHz; bluetooth’s 2.45 GHz; signals and coverage emitted by mobile or stationary devices (used by persons or by machines) and their networks, such as frequency ranges around 600 MHz, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz, 3600 MHz, etc.; the frequency ranges of many (if not most) satellites, drones, security systems, sensors, smart meters that communicate wirelessly, air broadcast television and radio signals, and many other objects and services].

3. Headline:

Canada doubles down on mandated wholesale fibre access: Canada’s telco regulator [CRTC] is expanding a programme that requires telco giants to provide smaller ISPs with access to their fibre networks.

Please keep in mind that it is not that “fibre” necessarily solves wireless radiation problems, because often it is fibre that is like a fuel for wireless radiation-emitting equipment. It is “fibre without anything wireless attached to it” that can prevent wireless radiation emissions.

The headlined item was in news for a few days. Whether or not this will be (sometimes? always?) beneficial regarding electrosmog reduction and prevention, I do not know. This is one of the industry commentary articles about it:


4. Cellphones in schools. Two provinces in Canada: Manitoba and Saskatchewan.


Headline: “Manitoba government follows other provinces in restricting cellphone use in schools

Excerpts (I bolded a sentence in the last excerpt because it is different than usual, about screen time):

“There is to be a ban for students in kindergarten to Grade 8, while those in high school will be restricted from using their devices during class time but are free to use them during breaks and lunch.”

“The bans are designed to reduce distractions.”

“Exemptions are to be made for medical or accessibility reasons, as well as for educational purposes in high schools when directed by teachers….”

“Manitoba’s announcement comes after Saskatchewan announced its decision last week to prohibit the use of the devices in all classrooms for the 2024-25 school year. Manitoba was the last of the western provinces to enact such a restriction.”

“This is something that we consulted on extensively, and we know that [from] listening to parents, families and teachers across Manitoba, this is the right step for our kids to be able to learn and reach their full potential,” [Premier Wab Kinew] said.

Manitoba’s francophone school division banned cellphones last year in all of its schools. Division scolaire franco-manitobaine is also taking steps to further restrict screen time by advising teachers to limit computer usage for elementary and middle school kids to no more than an hour a day in the classroom.

To read the full article go to


or if you cannot access the full text at the above link, possibly you can here



The government’s new release


5. Industry news items about United Kingdom (UK) (and certainly this will also happen elsewhere)

These two headlines speak for themselves.

UK announces trials designed to make drones an ‘everyday reality’                                                                                                                                          The UK Civil Aviation Authority has selected six projects to participate in trials designed to enable widespread use of drones for things like deliveries, remote inspections, and even policing.

The full article is at


In this next article “fixed networks” is mentioned, however, it is not clear if fibre-to-the-premises is the preference for “broadband” in

More than 300,000 UK rural areas to get broadband boost
The UK government is setting aside up to £800 million in funding to address poor broadband connectivity for 312,400 hardest to reach homes and businesses across all of Great Britain’s regions.

The full article is at



Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.
A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.



If electrosmog was not invisible to us, wherever it is dense (outdoors, indoors) everyone would mostly only see electrosmog, during the day and during the night, nothing else. “Everyone” means every person, whether or not the person is using a wireless device or electricity. Friendly reminder… electrosmog penetrates into “everyone” (users and non-users).


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation