2024-07-15 The continuing series… W.H.O., what, when, where, how, and why?

1. [new article, not a repeat] “A critical appraisal of the WHO 2024 systematic review of the effects of RF-EMF exposure on tinnitus, migraine/headache, and non-specific symptoms


The above quote is the title of what Microwave News describes as “Another critique of a systematic review from W.H.O. EMF Project — and another call for retraction. This SR is on RF effects on tinnitus & migraine by ICNIRP’s MartinRoosli et al.”


Excerpt from the journal-published appraisal:

“We therefore call for a retraction of the SR by Röösli et al., and an impartial international investigation, by unconflicted experts, of both the currently available evidence base on these issues, as well as related research priorities for the future. That investigation should particularly address, above and beyond the topic of priority health outcomes to be researched (which was already assessed in the international expert consultation by WHO in 2018) [2] the need for improved methods of accurately measuring RF-EMF exposures, suitable for large human observational studies in the general population – the Achilles heel of the current literature.”


The open access article was published online July 15, 2024 in the journal Reviews On Environmental Health.


The appraisal (abstract and full text journal article) is open access at https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/reveh-2024-0069/html

and Dr. Joel Moskowitz’s July 15, 2024 commentary post, which includes several excerpts, is in his ongoing coverage of “WHO Radiofrequency EMF Health Risk Assessment Monograph (EHC series)” at                                                                               https://www.saferemr.com/2021/09/who-radiofrequency-emf-health-risk.html


SHARE the APPRAISAL article.
• You could re-post Microwave News’ tweet (the link to it is above in my “WHAT…” section).
• The appraisal article’s journal webpage (above in “WHERE…”) provides a “SHARE” button that gives the options Facebook, X/Twitter, and LinkedIn.
• In an email message, you could easily share using any of the links I have provided above.


Excerpt from the article’s Conclusions:

”To summarize, the way in which any epidemiologically unsophisticated reader is likely to be misled by this SR is clear. It appears to conclude unequivocally that the body of scientific evidence reviewed supports the safety of current (e.g. ICNIRP-based) population exposure limits for RF-EMF.”

2. Heroes

In Memoriam:

(click on photos to enlarge)

L. Lloyd Morgan, EHT
https://ehtrust.org/about/meet-the-team/ & https://www.researchgate.net/profile/L-Lloyd-Morgan & https://harpers.org/archive/2010/05/for-whom-the-cell-tolls/
Max Anderson, former Berkeley City Councilmember – Dec.15, 1944-July 05, 2024 https://www.friendsofadeline.org/in-memory-of-max-anderson/

Environmental Health Trust is saddened to share the passing of two remarkable individuals who each played vitally important roles in promoting awareness of the need to reduce direct exposures to cell phones and led lives of service to others, Lloyd Morgan and Max Anderson. … These two fine gentlemen gave freely of themselves so that others would benefit. They are examples of the best of our country, as leaders committed to uplifting and protecting the vulnerable, and as tenacious voices for those lacking access to the inner workings of power.”

Read the full text at

Coincidentally, today marked the 10th anniversary of this article https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Berkeley-pushes-for-cancer-stickers-on-cell-phones-5621382.php


Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation