2024-07-12  – Choosing wireless sure can cause emergencies;  Investigative-style article about spatellites

1. Health Canada today: “In an effort to mitigate any immediate and potential risk to patient health….”

Today, Health Canada issued: “Health product recall: Soltive Laser System.” Why? Because “Olympus investigated complaints received where customers reported difficulties in pairing the wireless footswitch with the Soltive laser, resulting in delays in surgical procedures or prolonged surgery. In an effort to mitigate any immediate and potential risk to patient health, Olympus is requiring Soltive laser users to have an Olympus wired footswitch (part number TFL-AFSW) available for immediate use as a backup in the event a wireless footswitch does not pair with the Soltive laser.”


2. Maybe you assumed I typo’d “Spatellites” in a recent UPDATE. I did not typo.

Many years ago, feeling a need to stop repeatedly giving the compliment “Smart” in order to discuss the non-mechanical Meters, I coined the nastier-sounding word “smeter” in conversation with Sharon (original creator of UPDATE) and she adopted the word. Recently, I felt a similar urge to de-glorify satellites. Cradle-to-grave, satellites are mega-polluters in so many ways (not only as electrosmog generators) — continuously spitting/spewing/spilling pollutants.

Therefore “Spatellites,” because they SPit, they SPew, they SPill, and so they SPoil.

And wow, here is a new (July 11, 2024), super-interesting, in-depth, investigative-report style opinion article — written by an astronomer in Canada, the content applies to space and worldwide to all Earth’s air, water, soil, and creatures (“12 min. read”):

(click on photo to enlarge)

SpaceX Dropped Space Junk on My Neighbor’s Farm. Here’s What Happened Next

A New, Deadly Era of Space Junk Is Dawning, and No One Is Ready

A Saskatchewan farmer’s near miss with potentially lethal debris falling from orbit highlights the skyrocketing risks and murky politics of space junk

By Samantha Lawler”


and I also saved it here                                                                                                       https://web.archive.org/web/20240713120721/https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/spacex-dropped-space-junk-on-my-neighbors-farm-heres-what-happened-next/


Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.

A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.

(click on photo to enlarge)


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation