2024-07-08 City/Town/Municipal public health strategies

1. Municipal public health strategies.

So many things seem to roll out everywhere with cookie-cutter uniformity. There was a news release today by City of Toronto (and it also ties in provincial aspects) headlined:

”New Toronto Public Health Strategic Plan envisions a city where all people can be healthy and thrive.” I’d bet every large City, and even smaller municipal jurisdictions, already has, or will soon have, something that is almost identical.

(click on photo to enlarge)


Two things about this material:

(a) We can each strive to help our local governments’ staff and elected representatives want to insert reduction and prevention of indoor and outdoor electrosmog into such public health strategies;

(b) We can each notice how a local government, and its Board of Health, presents and discusses such strategies and plans when it wants them to be adopted.

Based on reading the news release, I believe this succinct one-pager is a good place for anyone to see what the strategic plan includes: https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/98d4-TorontoPublicHealthStrategicPlanOnePager.pdf

And here’s the full text of the City of Toronto news release: https://www.toronto.ca/news/new-toronto-public-health-strategic-plan-envisions-a-city-where-all-people-can-be-healthy-and-thrive/

2. New in Dr. Joel Moskowitz’s regular updates:

28 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health


3. If you usually attend the Tuesday evening C4ST meetings, there won’t be a meeting July 9th. HOWEVER, you could grab a snack and your favourite beverage and watch these recently released videos C4ST recommends:

3a. Cece Doucette: Addressing Wireless Radiation at the Local Level, Massachusetts, USA (54 minutes)

Watch or download at:

3b. MA4SafeTech’s Symposium on EHS Awareness Day 2024 (78 minutes)

3c. Americans for Responsible Technology’s “I was fine” – a short video about digital meters and their impact on people’s lives (5 minutes)

4. Say what?! Toronto Hydro electricity meter replacement program.

All the meters. “We’re replacing all customer meters over the next five years.”


(….Toronto Hydro is utilizing the EnergyAxis Metering Automation Server (MAS) hosted by Elster in Raleigh, NC. MAS enables Toronto Hydro to use additional system features such as flexible rate structures, two-way communications and on-demand meter reads in response to the Government of Ontario’s Smart Metering Initiative. The Government of Ontario has established targets for the installation of 800,000 smart electricity meters by December 31, 2007 and the installation of smart meters for all Ontario consumers by December 31, 2010. Toronto Hydro’s very thorough program to test the system under the Smart Meter Initiative requirements should be beneficial to other Ontario utilities looking for smart meter solutions….)


Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

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A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation