2024-07-01 – Integrity? You be the judge.

1. How principled are your local, regional, provincial, or state governments when there is an issue that involves our RF/EMF topics? Here’s a recent Canadian news article: ”Province finds decade of ‘systemic mismanagement’ with public service workers.’”

Also, maybe notice at the end of the article there’s mention of the Province of British Columbia’s Public Interest Disclosure Act; surely each of the other Canadian provinces and the territories, as well as other jurisdictions and governments elsewhere, have similar legislation.


The BC Ombudsperson’s website says, “BC’s Public Interest Disclosure Act is B.C.’s whistleblower protection legislation for current and former employees of ministries and offices of the legislature. PIDA provides mechanisms for investigating allegations of wrongdoing and where wrongdoing is found, the means to address it.


That FAQ pdf is 8 pages that are easy to glance through to familiarize yourself with what might be available wherever you are. Here’s another excerpt from the Ombudsperson website:
[excerpt begins] – – – – –

(click on photo to enlarge)

What is “wrongdoing”?

Wrongdoing is conduct that occurs in or relating to a ministry, government body or office of the legislature that is:

• a serious act or failure to act that, if proven, would be an offence under the laws of BC or Canada;
an act or failure to act that creates a substantial and specific danger to the life, health or safety of persons, or to the environment, other than a danger that is inherent in the performance of an employee’s duties or functions;
• a serious misuse of public funds or public assets;
• gross or systemic mismanagement; or
• knowingly directing or counselling a person to commit wrongdoing described above.

Not all misconduct is wrongdoing under PIDA. For example, minor or isolated transgressions may not meet the seriousness threshold in the definition of wrongdoing. Furthermore, disagreements about policy or human resource disputes involving purely personal interests are unlikely to qualify as wrongdoing. – – – – – [end of excerpt]

2. Here is the recent ICBE-EMF press release and its background materials now residing in the News section of ICBE-EMF’s website.


New peer-reviewed letter presents scientific case for retraction of conclusions of COSMOS brain tumor risk study.


3. A recent BBC article both succinctly and in-depth expresses opponents’ various rationales that aim to significantly protect human children and adults, environmental health and natural viewscapes.

Headline and first paragraph:

Space radar site opponents challenge politicians

Campaigners against plans to build space radar dishes overlooking the UK‘s only coastal national park have challenged local general election candidates to say whether they support the plan or not.”

Full text of the article is at:




Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

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