2024-06-24 – Oh, Canada?

1. The scheduled governments of Canada and Ontario media event today. Two new webpages are the hyperlinks below. I’m pretty sure at the second hyperlink it’s saying that all these network connections are wireLINE, all the way through the infrastructure to each premises (i.e., there would be no outdoor wireless signals added). HOWEVER, you might notice that the news release’s list of “Associated Links” includes a satellite item (from 2021)… so?

a. ISED’s News Release


”… announced over $97 million in combined federal and provincial funding for ROCK Networks, a PomeGran group company. The project will bring high-speed Internet access to more than 60 communities along the north shore of Lake Huron between Sudbury, Huron Shores and Sault Ste. Marie, and on Manitoulin Island.”


b. ISED’s separate “Backgrounder” item for that News Release

Excerpt (from the chart):

”Technology: Fibre last mile and backbone.

[p.s. The place “Mississauga” is listed in the chart. Is there another town “Mississauga” in northern Ontario? Because surely the City of Mississauga next door to Toronto wouldn’t be on this list?]


c. Government of Ontario’s News Release


2. Better sleep? Energy-saving too? The company BT was formerly “British Telecom.” I don’t know whether or not this is also happening in Canada. Also, in this article, there are cell tower electricity usage statistics.


During overnight periods of extremely low activity, sites can be put into ‘deep sleep’ when required. Carriers are automatically ‘woken up’ again when the network gets busier. It can also react to unexpected surges during scheduled sleep cycles. BT says doing this only takes a matter of seconds, and won’t lead to any service disruption for end users.”



BT sings rock-a-bye cell site to curb energy use


”UK incumbent BT is using machine learning to put underutilised mobile sites into sleep mode during periods of low traffic.”

3. Current news from telecom industry email newsletters. My preamble for these is simply, “Oh dear, such sad news.” (Yes, that was sarcasm.) The text words within each hyperlink tell you what the story is.

(click on photos to enlarge)



https://www.telecoms.com/spectrum/india-5g-auction-set-to-disappoint  – This auction is in frequency ranges from 800 MHz to 26 GHz.



Barbara Payne, President

Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation