1. 5G in Canada.
Supposedly justified by Taylor Swift’s and others’ concerts
Yes really, several paragraphs in the first article link are about concert venues. However, I have a feeling that the article is purposely designed to have the following paragraph at the end, as a lead-in to the second link, which is a Government of Canada (ISED) Media advisory for Monday, June 24th, 2024 at 12:45pm ET: [excerpt: (quoting Canadian Telecommunications Association President and CEO Robert Ghiz)]
“The economic engine of Canada is rural Canada … Once they are connected like the rest of Canada, I think we’re going to see tremendous growth opportunities in our economic growth and GDP.”
Because here’s the Media advisory for Monday:
2. A pleasant surprise: this reduces electrosmog sources.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Government of Canada bans import and manufacture of compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs)

And here is a news article about it:
3. “Havana Syndrome: an IEEE perspective”
Free webinar on Wednesday, June 26th 11am-12pm (ET)
“Abstract: Wireless devices are part of 21st century life. From mobile devices to Bluetooth earbuds, from cellular sites to Wi-Fi access points, consumer entertainment devices and even refrigerators — we are constantly surrounded by wireless devices. This leads some to raise questions about safety. Do electromagnetic fields pose health risks? This month’s webinar will feature a panel of experts from the IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety, and the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation, who will discuss the history of medical and academic investigation into the topic of EMF safety. Guest moderated by David Witkowski, IEEE Senior Member.”
Expert guests will be Dr. Jerrold Bushberg and Kenneth Foster.
A different description at the Registration page:
“Havana Syndrome refers to a series of unexplained health incidents experienced by U.S. and Canadian diplomats, intelligence officers, and their families, initially reported in Havana, Cuba, in late 2016. The cause of these incidents remains unclear, with speculation ranging from directed-energy attacks to environmental factors or psychological triggers. In April 2024, 60 Minutes aired a segment on Havana Syndrome, and the Wall Street Journal followed this with two articles, these in turn led to a flurry of comments and speculations from journalists, podcasters, and other media. This month’s webinar will feature members of the IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety and the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation, discussing the engineering basis for getting to the bottom of this ongoing mystery. Hosted by IEEE Future Networks INGR Deployment Chair David Witkowski *This webinar will be recorded”
Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
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