2024-06-03 – Barb’s hello & more

Hello Everyone!
Thank you for welcoming this continuation of Sharon’s UPDATE. Yes, it’s dated June 3rd and is arriving late — I apologize and will not bore you with explanation of the resolved technical issue.

Our community keeps growing. It takes a village, right? Together, let’s be the village you want to see.

That also means I welcome feedback and ideas; and I will do my best. Please forgive any glitches as I learn to use Substack better.
UPDATE will usually happen three times each week. I plan to send from my location (late night in eastern Canada) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. [This week only Monday and Friday due to the unforeseen delay.]

Unless a newsletter item indicates otherwise, interact with me about UPDATE items by sending an email message to epic@iexistworld.org or recording a voicemail message at 416-622-3742.

Let’s do this!
p.s. So that you will know a bit more about me, and discover some successful aspects that may help others understand our world, the end of today’s UPDATE includes an unformatted paste of one of my more formal, informative email signatures plus a link to my “President’s Message” at EPIC’s website.

If you prefer to read this email UPDATE (and any previous UPDATE) in your internet browser. Here’s how:

In this email message, click on its title (for example today’s title is “UPDATE 2024-06-03”). Then you arrive at the online version that may be wider, faster for scrolling, and better for your eyesight.
Also, after that click-through you can click on the name of my Substack (which will be near the top of the screen, I think it’s “Barbara’s Substack”) to arrive at an archive of all my UPDATE newsletters from today onward. Also: those, as well as years of Sharon’s UPDATE newsletters prior to June 2024, are at https://citizensforsafertech.ca/newsletters/

1. Inspiration.
– Sharon.
I am sure all of you join with me in great appreciation and awe of Sharon’s long-term dedication to UPDATE. For me, it is both an honour and a pleasure to be entrusted with this work and to participate in this way.

– More Sharon.
In describing my approach to you, Sharon included the word “provocative.” I think she said that because sometimes I invent or notice successful, interesting, new ways to discuss, present, or think about various aspects of the electrosmog topics. Sometimes as brief hints to those insights, I will note “FFT” (short for “food for thought”).

– Dr. Magda Havas.
Near the turn of the century (unrelated to EMFs) Dr. Magda Havas was my “Communicating Science” professor. I give her full credit for sowing such excellent seeds into- my ways-of-thinking-and-communicating.

– My short origin story (an example of “provocative”?).
Dr. Havas is not the professor mentioned in my origin story, and also EMFs are not mentioned in it. Nevertheless, you insiders can know that the mystery subject in its final sentences is electrosmog https://great-environment.org/2021/06/20/origin-story/

2. Three cheers for the municipal government in Hastings Highlands! They value and protect Maynooth’s clear view, natural light, and natural night.
FFT “light” = visible EMFs
FFT ”natural night” = absence of visible EMFs

3. Leukemia in children. New research.
Does anyone have at their fingertips an authoritative history/timeline about cancer in children, in general? Because when I stop to think, how has it become sort of normal in society that a lot of children get cancer?! When you read this abstract or article, there are different findings for leukemia and lymphoma — it is leukemia that I am pointing to here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11139882/

4. Electric vehicle or defibrillator implant? New research.
I was going to title this item with the word “versus” instead of “or” but I could not decide which would be appropriate: EV vs. defibrillator or Defibrillator vs. EV. A couple of excerpts:

“Conclusion. The investigation highlights the identification of EMI signals originating from an EV) that could potentially interrupt the functionality of a Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (S-ICD). These signals fell within the R-wave Spectrum of 30–300 Hz. Further in-vivo studies are essential to determine accurately the level of interference between S-ICDs and EMI from Electric Vehicles.”
[in the Introduction] “Electromagnetic interference (EMI) refers to any electromagnetic field signal that can be identified by the circuitry of a device. EMI can lead to incorrect sensing, pacing, mode-switching or inappropriate therapy and can potentially affect the function of cardiac devices, including pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs). EMI can be emitted from common sources such as cell phones, airport screening tools, hand power tools, and proximity to high voltage field.”
Full text is at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/pace.15019

Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.
For health + the environment we practice safe tech + eHygiene to prevent indoor and outdoor electrosmog.
A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.
How to practice safe tech & e-hygiene:
1. Cords & adaptors (instead of wireless radiation).
Prefer, provide & request cords to connect devices & places.
2. Downloads (instead of streaming radiation).
Prefer, provide & request apps & media you can use offline.
3. Awareness.
Know what & how to connect non-wirelessly, and help others know.
4. Caution.
Use caution with all types of power.
5. Kindness.
Be kind to yourself, others & the environment.
Thank you for helping everyone realize it’s better to prevent electrosmog.
Not-for-profit Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (EPIC) modernizes awareness about “electrosmog” and how to prevent it. For health and for the environment. And to be kind to ourselves and others. EPIC also connects persons affected by electrosmog to various resources.
X @iexistworld
Instagram @ElectrosmogAwareness
President’s Message https://iexistworld.org/presidents-message/
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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation