2024-05-31 Wishing you all the very best

This is the last update that I will be sending out. It seems only appropriate for it to be about a smeter legal battle — this one in Eugene, Oregon, USA.

Many of you will remember our battle with BC Hydro. Our fund, through small donations received from many of you, totalled $150,000. We had a good lawyer with whom Una St. Clair and I worked for months preparing data and arguments. But, sadly, BC Hydro’s pockets were too deep. Our funds were inadequate and, despite our arguments having potential, we were forced to give in. Hopefully one day, perhaps when there are legal precedents to draw upon, we too can be rid of wireless smeters on our homes.

I thank all of you for your support and friendship over these 15 years. I know that Barb Payne will provide updates that are both interesting and provocative.

Stay well and please continue to spread the word.

All the very best –

= = =

Subject: [EMF] Stop Smart Meters in Eugene OR: legal fund info; attorney hired; history

Pls. donate; permission given to share with lists!

Stop Smart Meters in Eugene OR: legal fund info; attorney Stephen Joncus has been hired; pls. donate; permission given to share this history+ with lists!

5.31.24 About $10,000 raised before this fund raising campaign set up in May. About 20 plaintiffs have signed on to the legal action so far.

Pls. note that ‘Families for SAFE and Ethical Technology’ new name for Families for SAFE Technology, initially Families for SAFE Meters started 2011, pivotal in coordinating the community to craft the first wireless digital smart meter Opt in rather than Opt out in the USA. (Facebook page still says Families for SAFE Technology.)

January 2018 Eugene Water & Electric Board EWEB, motto ‘Rely on US,’ volunteer Board of Commissioners heard and soon approved GM recommendation to reverse the 2012-13 well crafted directive influenced by Dr. Paul Dart et al via a 100 page microwave radiation report and slide show June 2013 involving several medical doctors and an IT professional doing world-wide research over 18 months, 600 articles, not one written in the USA. Both reports available on Net, YouTube.

January 2024 six years later EWEB started mandating that all Ratepayer-Owner must have a wireless smart meter (SENSUS models) even those who had opt out letters in file although radio can be turned off at customer discretion UNLESS one refuses a smart meter-see below. One hold up on the installs had been supply chain disruptions during the pandemic.

If ratepayer refused smart meter, THEN electricity can be turned off without notice as to exactly when. And Ratepayer-Owner forced to have radio ON if wants electricity turned back on, $250 for turn on, then smart meter installed. Fee for manual meter reading if radio off not yet determined.

A door hanger was found on the front door of the senior that said that access to meter had been blocked as reason for electricity turn off which was false-no locked gate in decades of occupancy or dog had ever impeded meter reader access.

The 2012-13 research team and citizen advocacy had persuaded EWEB Board to not adopt a radio meshnet system that could emit up to 190,000 pulses a day, but instead a point to point system avoiding the radio mesh net that seemed to prevail in most smart meter build-outs. The Board followed recommendations of local presenter Paul Dart MK in spite of a statement by Valberg from Harvard speaking remotely, who was paid $1,000 by EWEB to try to persuade the Board to adopt wireless smart meters.

In January 2024 during the worst ice storm in recent history where electricity was out for hours or days, +/-400 certified letters were sent to ratepayers, who had written EWEB opt out letters years ago, by a law firm representing EWEB alerting ratepayers to a controversial new directive: mandatory smart meter but radio could be turned off with one caveat.

People wonder if the Board voted for the caveat that if due to non-compliance electricity would be turned OFF or if this was a spurious upper management decision.

In 2013 EWEB adopted a true opt out, no digital meter, subsequently capriciously modifying opt out to mean digital installed, radio off; everyone required to have a smart meter, no exceptions.

One reason for the 2018 policy reversal was that EWEB was spending $600,000 a year on staff explaining opt in/ opt out which management considered a waste of money.

Staff knew or said little or nothing about issues like health, cyber INsecurity, fires, explosions, privacy invasion+ in spite of vigorous educational efforts in earlier years by Ratepayer-Owners. EWEB allowed only the pros not the CONS of digitals on its web site and in communications although the Families group advocated for alternative information.

What surfaced since 2018 and should have halted EWEB’s build-out was Oregon State University-Corvallis Dept. of Engineering study (it is online) revealing that hacking of 1.8% to 8% of smart meters in an area could result in electricity disruption. EWEB apparently ignored this new finding although KLCC public radio in Eugene published an article and broadcast a news story about it in 2023 written by a man who was/is a KLCC reporter and an assistant professor of journalism at U of O-Eugene.

As of April 2024 +/-80% of houses had smart meters installed, and EWEB was bent on installing the last 20%, no authentic ratepayer engagement solicited.

YouTube and EWEB.ORG have videos of EWEB Board meetings. From January through May 2024 Public Input, always near meeting beginning, includes many impressive testimonies protesting the radical change.

But EWEB refused to meet with a group of ratepayers to discuss alternatives to what many have called a Draconian action that could have instead resulted in a Win Win solution to continue to allow a true Opt out meaning NO digital meter.

Coincidentally, the morning after the May 7, 2024, EWEB Board meeting when 9 people spoke at Public Input (which can be done remotely; register before 2 pm 1st Tuesday of the month; need not be an EWEB ratepayer) including Stephen Joncus, recently hired attorney; a California smart meter investigative writer on this ListServ.

The day after the May 7 meeting, several senior women and possibly men? had their electricity turned off, including a long time ring leader, in the week of Mother’s Day.

A partially disabled person was not able to get to the front door quickly and by the time she did, having heard only one knock, no voice shouting ‘We are from EWEB’ or ‘We are turning off your electricity NOW’.. she went to the kitchen, tried to turn on the light to find out her electricity was off, no warning the prior day via phone call or email. She had it turned on in 4 hours but had to accept the digital meter and pay $250.


Goal: USD $100,000

Raised: USD $980 by 5.31.24

Campaign Image

Stop Smart Meters in Eugene Oregon

We are customers of the electric utility in Eugene, Oregon, trying to protect our right to be safe in our homes. Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) is pushing so-called “smart meters” onto us, even though they are known to harm people’s health and the environment, have started house fires, are collecting private information about people’s activities in their own homes, and create electrical grid vulnerabilities from hackers.

Scientists and doctors who do not work for the electric industry have told EWEB about the risks of “smart meters.” EWEB is pursuing this agenda even against individuals who are very sensitive to electromagnetic radiation and who would be disabled by the installation of a smart meter on their home. There has been a lot of public input from customers saying they do not want them, including people who are highly sensitive and vulnerable to the radiation and who have the right to protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The health of children, pregnant women, elders, and people with pacemakers and other medical devices is also threatened. Yet EWEB is not allowing us to protect ourselves by keeping our safe analog meters.

EWEB is trying to push “smart meters” on us by using so-called safety standards deemed invalid by a U.S. federal court. EWEB is insisting we “comply” with their mandate to accept a “smart meter,” making them out-of-step with all the utility companies allowing customers to keep their safe analog meters. EWEB has only a sham “opt out” – a “smart meter” with the radio turned off, which still has most of the safety risks of a “radio on” meter.

The only so-called “option” EWEB offers in place of a “smart meter” (radio on or off) is to have our electricity shut off. As unbelievable as that may sound, it’s true. In early May, EWEB cut off electric service to the homes of two elderly disabled women because they refused “smart meters.” More customers have been cut off since then and others have been given notice they will be cut off if they do not “comply.”

We need help paying for a lawyer because the state public utility commission does not have the authority to help us. Our wonderful lawyer is a champion for people’s right to protect ourselves from possible harm from “smart meters,” and your donations will help us to stop EWEB from violating our rights. One lawsuit has already been filed. If we succeed, it may help people in other communities, too, and we hope it will.

We respectfully ask for your donations and would appreciate your telling others who care about health, security and freedom about our need for help. Thank you!

Who is Stephen Joncus, the person who initiated this campaign?

Stephen Joncus is the attorney representing Sabrina Siegel and others opposing EWEB’s installation of smart meters on their homes. All funds donated will go into a trust account for the benefit of Sabrina and others opposing these smart meters to pay their legal fees. Any excess funds will be distributed to the plaintiffs at the end of the matter.

Kathy Ging, MA, GRI
541-342-8461 no texts


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”   Henry Ford

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE  Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation