1) Norm Lambe is a retired Insurance Fire Inspector with whom I communicated when I was investigating smeter fires. I told him that, in BC, regulations prohibit anything being removed from the scene of a fire until an inspector is able to investigate the scene to determine the cause. Despite these regulations. BC Hydro regularly removes smeters even before the fire is extinguished, saying they are removing their property. In many of the fire reports I received from the Provincial Fire Commissioner, the cause of the fire would be given as “Undetermined Electrical” when all causes had been ruled out except for the smeter, which was missing. This allows BC Hydro and fire authorities to say there have been very few smeter fires while the general public is put at risk.
I have wondered if there is an explanation for this — . Insurers pay for the damage done, so property owners do not complain. The insurers recover their costs through either the utility or the meter company (in BC that would be ITRON), so they are not out of pocket. And the insurers increase the property owner’s premiums because they had a fire. All of this is an educated guess on my part, but Norm thought it was a reasonable one.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“Lithium batteries, the smart meter’s weakness To Save Money or Not: While reviewing the written material concerning the use of smart meters in this country I came across some interesting information, and I give credit to the honest reporting of the subject matter. The first issue dealt with the economics of a smart meter in your home, does it function as a money saver at all as advertised? The following answer was provided what I call a yes and no — ”
2) Environmental Health Trust is asking for shareholders of Alphabet, Inc. to vote to support the proposal that Google regularly disclose the radiation emission levels of its products and compare its emissions levels with its competitors. Shareholders have until June 7th to vote. In the reports that I have obtained via FOI from ISED shows that several of Googles phones’ emissions have exceeded Safety Code 6’s SAR by many times as do many others.
Here is Environmental Health Trust’s submission:
“Alphabet Inc. (“Alphabet”)
Vote Yes: Item #5
Stockholder Proposal Requesting a Report on Electromagnetic Radiation and Wireless Technologies Risks
Resolved, Google shall issue an annual report, at a reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, on the health effects and financial risks associated with electromagnetic radiation and wireless technologies and compare its safety performance to the other wireless device developers, operators, and manufacturers.”
3) From our friends in Australia, free access to an updated version of a book that I believe was shared last year. [2) – https://citizensforsafertech.ca/2023-05-30-fda-petition-ready-for-comments/] This is a good reference to have at hand.
Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health – New Resource
“Health complaints from smart meters installed by the thousands in homes are no longer surprising.
A free resource has recently been updated and translated into English that aims to provide an overview of smart meters, with a focus on health effects. This resource is for anyone who is interested in learning more about smart meters. It is well referenced and can be used by anyone.”
Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health – New Resource
Download «Smartmeters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health» PDF
“The book is written for the professional as well as the non-professional but interested reader. It provides a broad overview of the matter – biological, medical, technical, as well as societal and political aspects and explanations – and has a large number of references to international scientific and other literature.”
Download «Smartmeters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health» PDF
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Every day, you have to get up with new energy and new ideas to contribute to pushing the organization forward.” Abigail Johnson
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.