2024-05-28 Some hospitals accommodate EHS and MCS

1) Documented cases of Lyme Disease have been increasing dramatically since the early 2000s. The virulence of this disease is also increasing and Dr. Mercola provides an interview with Dr. Klinghardt who believes this to be related to the increase in exposure to microwave radiation during this time period.

How to Protect Yourself From Tick-Borne Diseases

“… increases in Lyme disease cases has been documented through several lines of evidence, indicating that this tick-borne illness is becoming more prevalent, particularly in the northern hemisphere. For example, private insurance claims data show the prevalence of Lyme disease in rural areas increased by 357% between 2007 and 2021.4

Klinghardt is adamant about patients addressing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) during treatment. In fact, he will not treat you unless you take steps to minimize your EMF exposure, as it can have a truly profound impact on the disease.

He’s convinced the increased virulence we’re now seeing is related to the dramatic increase in EMFs and microwave radiation from cellphones, cell towers, and all manner of wireless technologies.

According to Klinghardt, mitigating EMFs “has been a more successful strategy to treating Lyme disease and to get people neurologically well than any of the antibiotics or any of the antimicrobial compounds.” He also believes heavy metal toxicity exacerbates the problem.”


2) From Dr. Magda Havas:

“Sheena Symington has been advocating for those with EHS to be able to use hospital facilities despite their sensitivity. Some hospitals are accommodating those with EHS and here is one example.

For those of you needing to visit a hospital, please take this article with you to encourage your hospital to accommodate those with environmental sensitivities.

We need this type of accommodation not only for hospitals but for schools, public transit, daycare centres, etc.

Anyone who says there is no such thing as EHS should think twice. If there is no such illness, why are hospitals accommodating those who have been diagnosed with this illness? Perhaps school board trustees know more about health care than hospitals and medical doctors.

Feel free to share far and wide.

Quinte Health

Accessibility – Environmental Sensitivities (previously known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)

“People with environmental sensitivities (such as multiple chemical sensitivities or electromagnetic hypersensitivities) may present to a Quinte Health hospital not only for treatment of reactions related to their sensitivities, but also for unrelated injuries, acute or chronic illnesses, surgeries, appointments, and other purposes. When caring for patients with environmental sensitivities, we must endeavour to prevent reactions, minimize discomfort, and avoid extended hospital stays. In doing this, we enhance the confidence and trust of patients with environmental sensitivities, reduce fear / concern from their families, and increase the likelihood of successful treatment outcomes.”


3) Ontario, Quebec, BC and New Brunswick now have cell phone bans of varying sorts to respond to concerns about students being distracted. Ontario seems to have the strictest ban, with older students unable to bring cell phones into classrooms.


If only the schools were concerned about EMF and eliminated Wi-Fi and other wireless devices as well. Hopefully, that day will come as parents and teachers become more educated on the topic.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Provinces divided on classroom cell phone ban, NB latest to impose restrictions

“New Brunswick has become the latest province to implement a full-on ban or strict restrictions around cell phone use in Canadian elementary and secondary schools….

New Brunswick joins Ontario, Quebec, and BC in imposing cellphone bans in schools.

Students will be required to turn their phones on silent mode and stash them in a “designated area of the classroom,” the policy states….

“They can be a great learning tool when used appropriately, but there are also concerns about privacy and distraction, and certainly concerns about mental health as well,” he said per the Telegraph-Journal.” ”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”    Helen Keller

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.




Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation