2024-05-22 – 300 news articles re. RF radiation

1) Please mark your calendars.

(click on photo to enlarge)

C4ST Open Meeting – All Welcome

Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 7:30 pm ET, 6:30 pm CT, 4:30 pm PT

Topic: Addressing Wireless Radiation at the Local Level, Massachusetts, USA


2) Dr. Joel Moskowitz has provided links to more than 300 news articles about wireless radiation, most of which seem to be from local outlets throughout the USA.

Wireless Radiation TV News

Which wireless radiation risks are covered most by TV news in the USA?

“Since June 2014, television stations in the U.S have aired more than 300 news stories about the health risks from wireless radiation exposure. Almost half of these stories focus on radiation risks from cell phone use, including risks to children. About a third discussed cell tower radiation risks with four dozen stories focusing on cell towers (or Wi-Fi) on school campuses. Other technologies of concern include wireless smart meters and Wi-Fi-emitting devices.

Since 2018 more than a hundred news stories have reported on health concerns about the rollout of 5G, the fifth generation of cellular technology. Public concern about this issue has been covered by national network news and by local TV stations in more than 20 states and the District of Columbia.”


3) Patricia Burke is preparing a substack newsletter that she sends out 1-3 times a week. You can subscribe and receive it directly. She covers a lot of topics and provides very interesting articles. Here is one for May 20.



Occasionally, people ask me if I know of a rental that is safe for those with EHS. Here is one. Please contact Daphne directly if you would like more information.

Safe Country Acreage for the EHS

The ‘rentals’ in question thrive on forest land with creeks running through.
For immediate sense of the surrounding area, you could look up the following towns and regions:

West Kootenays (biggest local region)
Nelson, Castlegar (next biggest, both an hour’s drive away)
Silverton, Slocan and Appledale (almost walk or cyclable)

Owner/homesteader is now a retired college teacher who traveled extensively and now teaches Tai chi locally and does the best she can on the remaining 9 acres of land which she put the road into in 1975. (3 acres was sold recently in order to ‘make ends meet’)

It’s beautiful here. Our Safe Living international standard meters pulse green in the 2 houses and on the 9 acres. The communities are good. Strong.
If you think you might find your place here, you could:
– raise a small family, complete with chickens, forest tending, gardens and all the rest.
Owner/operator could use a hand, could teach you much and would welcome skilled, and kind co-inhabitants.

Contact me, Daphne Lee, at <valhallataichi@gmail.com> if you think you might be a ‘fit’.


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”     Elie Wiesel

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.




Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation