2024-05-21 Huawei engineer is member of Royal Society of Canada

1) A leading Canadian company goes bankrupt thanks to Huawei’s theft of data, is then taken over by Huawei, and its engineer has access to more Canadian data via the Royal Society. As far as I know, companies like BC Hydro and Telus are still using Huawei equipment, and may still be affiliated with major universities across Canada.  Fox–henhouse scenario.

(click on photo to enlarge)


Huawei Enlisted Entire Nortel Team for 5G, Team Leader Now a Royal Society of Canada Fellow

“When Canada’s Nortel Networks went bankrupt in 2009, China’s Huawei recruited an entire Nortel team to its Canadian arm to advance its 5G networks development. As Canada banned Huawei in its 5G network in 2022 over security concerns, the former Nortel team leader became a Royal Society of Canada fellow that same year.

Wen Tong, the established engineer who brought his Nortel team with him to join Huawei Canada in 2009, currently leads the Chinese telecom giant’s 5G wireless technologies research.

Nortel was once a world-leading telecom company and the crown jewel of Canada’s high-tech industry for decades, before filing for bankruptcy protection in January 2009. Brian Shields, a former senior security adviser at the company, attributed its collapse partially to intellectual property theft by Chinese hackers in a previous interview with NTD Television Network, a sister company of The Epoch Times.”


2)The AGM will feature experts who are building the evidence and advocating for healthier air, water, food, products and options to meet Canadians’ needs.

Prevent Cancer Now
2024 Annual General Meeting – Reminder
May 22nd, 6:30 pm ET, 7:30 pm CT, 9:30 pm PT


3) While breast cancer rates increase exponentially in young women, where are the warnings about cell phones being used or stored next to the body? The increases were first noticed around 2000, as cell phones were becoming more popular and not being used just for business purposes.

Breast Cancer Rates Skyrocketing in Young Canadian Women

“As the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care prepares to release its anticipated updated guidelines on breast cancer screening, University of Ottawa researchers are sounding an alarm: Breast cancer cases in young Canadian women, especially women in their 20s, have risen by as much as 45.5% in recent years….

“One of the significant differences in this study was that we examined age-specific incidence rates, looking at them in age groups by decade (ie, 20-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years), and then even divided the [latter group] into 40-44 years and 45-49 years,” said Seely. “We really saw a dramatic change starting around the year 2000 for women in their 20s, with an annual percent increase of 3.06% per year, and it steadily increased from there.


4) Dr. Devra Davis and others speak to the cessation of testing by the NIH after the findings of the NTP study. Of course an industry spokesman continues the hackneyed claim of there being no reliable evidence of harm…. even after admitting there are 100s of studies showing harm.

Full Measure — 5G

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AKX_Uj3lu       ( 9:53 min.)


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”      Will Rogers

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.





Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation