2024-05-17 Telecom workers know of RF dangers

1) Telecoms target places like schools, churches, senior citizens “homes” for cell towers/transmitters because they know they need money — they are vulnerable. It is vital that those responsible for signing the contracts be informed of the science and risks before the telecoms get the contract signed. The telecom workers know that RFR is hazardous yet, as part of their jobs, they must install these things on schools.

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‘It’s Insane’: Big Telecom Pushes Bad Cell Tower Deals on ‘Literally Hundreds’ of Schools

Schools looking for money are allowing telecommunications companies to put cell towers on school property, despite the health risks of long-term wireless radiation exposure. School boards often don’t tell parents until after the deal is signed.

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series on how the wireless industry is targeting schools for wireless infrastructure installation. Part 1 covers the recent surge and why parents are fighting back.

Telecommunications companies are targeting school properties as prime locations for installing cell towers, antennas and other wireless infrastructure — and many schools are taking the bait, said attorney Robert Berg….

Even the telecom workers’ union, Communications Workers of America, warns workers that wireless radiation can cause sterility, eye damage, central nervous system harm and other “serious biological effects.”


From the Communications Workers of America’s documentation:


Microwave and Radiofrequency Radiation

“At the present time, there is substantial scientific data that establishes negative health effects associated with microwave radiation. For example, it has been demonstrated that microwave radiation may cause eye and testicular damage. These organs are highly vulnerable to radiation damage because they contain few blood vessels. Therefore, they are unable to circulate blood and dissipate the heat from radiation as effectively as other organs….

As noted, microwave radiation may also cause damage to the male testes/reproductive organs. Specifically, scientists have demonstrated that exposure to microwave radiation may result in partial or permanent sterility. In addition, some scientific evidence suggests similar effects associated with microwave exposure and female reproductive problems. Furthermore, the scientific literature indicates a relationship between exposure to microwave radiation and birth defects, such as mongolism (Down’s Syndrome) and central nervous system damage.

Exposure to radio wave radiation may result in a non-thermal reaction that causes similar molecular interactions as in the thermal effect, but without the heating of the exposed tissue or organ. The site of energy absorption varies with the frequency, that is, exposure to low frequency non-ionizing radio frequency radiation will (theoretically) penetrate the skin and cause molecular interactions similar to those caused by high frequency radio frequency radiation. Complicating such non-thermal reaction, the body’s heat and warning system may not provide protection because the energy is absorbed at locations below the nerves.”


2) EH Trust has recommended some interesting books that libraries might be willing to purchase some for circulation.

EHT’s Book Picks on Screens and Health

Recommended Books


3) A few weeks ago, some people who have opted out of smeters were concerned about apparent changes in routines of their BC Hydro meter readers and wondered if something more significant might be in the works. I asked for people to see if they could speak with their meter readers to gain insight. One member sent this in this week and seems to confirm that nothing significant is happening as far as our smeters are concerned:

“My meter was read yesterday by a new meter reader, and I was able to chat with her about why the changes are being made. She said it was because all the readers are now part-time, with no more full-time meter readers. This jibes with what the former reader said – that it was his last day. (He came on the day of a scheduled 4-hour outage – which nobody told him about – and so called me in frustration to see if my power was also out, as he couldn’t read any meters without power.) The new reader repeated that the only difference was a change in the date of scheduled readings, which for me was about a week earlier than it used to be.

I watched as she inserted the probe, and it looked like exactly the same short process. I also asked if anything in the insides of the meter would be changed, and she said, no, just the date of the readings.

Hopefully this really is all it purports to be. I can see that it “improves the process” for BC Hydro in that they no longer have to pay any benefits for full-time employees to read meters.”


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

Have a wonderful Victoria Day long weekend.

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” Oscar Wilde

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation