2024-05-16 AT&T bribed officials to eliminate landlines

1) From Dr. Meg Sears:

(click on photos to enlarge)

Prevent Cancer Now
2024 Annual General Meeting
May 22nd, 6:30 pm ET, 5:30 pm CT. 3:30 pm PT

“Prevent Cancer Now is Canada’s science-based organization focused on stopping cancer before it starts.

If you support the mission, goals and strategies of Prevent Cancer Now, you are welcome to become a member, and you will receive the meeting package and Zoom link.

The AGM will feature experts who are building the evidence and advocating for healthier air, water, food, products and options to meet Canadians’ needs.”


2) AT&T paid bribes to State of Illinois to allow them to eliminate land lines.

AT&T to pay $23M fine for bribing powerful lawmaker’s ally in exchange for vote.

“AT&T’s payment was designed to influence a 2017 vote on Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) legislation that “terminate[d] AT&T Illinois’ costly obligation to provide landline telephone services to all Illinois residents,” the deferred prosecution agreement says. The law was passed by the legislature and vetoed by the governor, but both houses of the legislature voted to override the veto.”


3) A Letter to the Editor by Dr. Magda Havas re. a cell tower proposal.

Letter: If You Think The Government Is Protecting You Against Radio Frequency Radiation… Think Again

“Those who believe that the government is protecting them against the harmful effects of radio frequency radiation emitted by cell towers and other wireless technology are unaware of the history of environmental pollution regulations in Canada. When it comes to environmental pollutants the government is VERY slow to bring in regulations that protect the public and the environment. Look at the government’s track record with asbestos, tobacco, pesticides, estrogen mimics, fluoride in drinking water, toxic metals like mercury (they still allow dentists to place elemental mercury in your mouth!)….

Those opposing the location of this cell tower are simply trying to protect their health, your health and the health of the environment since plants, insects (especially bees), migrating birds are also adversely affected by this radiation.”


4) May 20, a free webinar re. cell towers and wildfires, please see Letters below.

May 20 Evolutionary Conversation — Wildfire Risks in an Age of Climate Turbulence and Cell Tower Densification
12-2:00 pm PT

Join Julian Gresser and a Panel of Experts for an Evolutionary Conversation on May 20, 2024 —
How Empowered Local Communities Can Effectively Address Urgent Wildfire Safety Risks



From: “Debra Greene, PhD” <debra@safetechhawaii.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 5:07:20 PM
Subject: 🔥 Wildfires & Cell Towers

New scientific findings are uncovering unique wildfire risks associated with the proliferation of wireless small cell and macro towers, smart meters and other wireless devices.

At the same time, empowered local communities are creating ways to address these grave risks.

Please join a panel of national experts in a free webinar to discuss this critical subject that every local community must now address.

Wildfire risks associated with cell towers and other wireless infrastructure will greatly intensify this summer. This is a foreseeable and avoidable catastrophe.

It is also a matter of profound social and environmental justice and basic human rights. In this webinar an expert panel will present the available evidence on wildfire risks from cell towers.


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”     Wayne Dyer

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation