2024-05-13 What is 5G – Part 2

1) There is an audio version and a transcript to read.

What is 5G Part Two — 5G Cell Service

“As successive generations of cell service have been deployed over the last 40 years, three trends are apparent that more and more locations are being served, that each successive generation provides greater throughput and that there’s been a malignant spread to other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Now, here as other places we’ve discussed, the word served in this context means that all life within a quote service area is exposed to an unnatural sea of man-made radiation. No sea of man-made radiation, no service. Radiation, no service. I don’t want any service that involves a sea of man-made radiation….

… more areas on Earth with a corrupted electromagnetic environment and more toxicity with each successive generation. That’s what’s been happening since the first generation of cell phones. Now we’ve talked about the malevolent spread of Wi-Fi in Part 1. In the beginning, wi-fi had only one band allocation, a contiguous set of frequencies set aside for corruption by Wi-Fi and other technologies. Then a brand new band allocation, around 5 GHz, was allowed to be infected with Wi-Fi. So this malevolent spread is also observed in successive generations of cell service.”


2) The spraying for moths is happening several times, over densely settled areas as well as forests. People who are experiencing health problems should report them via the link below. I am not going to flood our update with Foray 48B information since there is enough for you to do your research. Flyers will be prepared for each community. Here is the one for Salt Spring.


Flyers and schedules for other communities can be found by scrolling down this page:

Natural Environment


How to Report Health Effects from Today’s Spraying


Full Name:  Oona                                                                                                                    Location:    By St Mary Lake

If you are experiencing any physical reactions or adverse health effects to the aerial spraying of Foray 48B, please take a moment to call and report these symptoms, as the pesticide permit holder, the Minister of Forests, must be held accountable.

1. Report symptoms to Dr. Jennifer Tynan – Communities United for Clean Air, Victoria

2. Call 1-866-917-5999 and press # to leave a voice mail message with your name, contact number, symptoms and you might as well throw in that the Ministry of Forests has violated several permit conditions , with spraying in winds over 8 Kms per hour on May 6th 2024 being the most egregious.

Symptoms may include, but not be limited to respiratory discomfort, itchy or sore throat, stuffy or itchy nose, irritated eyes, headaches, body aches, and/or digestive disturbances.

3) BC Hydro finally admitted mixing up smeters resulting in significant over-billing — after receiving complaints for years. They claim that “only” .003 smeters have been wrongly installed, but with 2 million smeters, that means 6,000 mistakes. To people being billed, this is .003 too many. And how do they know “only” .003 mistakes have been made when they have ignored complaints?

**Correction: I misread the number of mis-wired smeters. The article says .003 per cent.  I missed the per cent and overstated the number. According to BC Hydro’s figures, ‘only’ 60 mistakes have been made. I still wonder how they know if they ignore complaints, as they did with the person in the article. My apologies.**

(click on photos to enlarge)

Meter mixup results in years of inflated B.C. Hydro bills for James Bay woman

“Liz Bicknell has been charged for her duplex neighbour’s power since 2012 because her smart meter was reading the wrong unit…

Bicknell said she contacted B.C. Hydro on many occasions over the years, but never heard back. Then, in January, Bicknell finally got someone to ­investigate.

Turns out, over 12 years, B.C. Hydro’s so-called smart meter was reading the wrong units — the neighbours were getting Bicknell’s low bills, and Bicknell was getting their higher bills.”



From: “Magali LESURE” <magali.lesure@coeursdehs.fr>
To: “magali lesure” <magali.lesure@coeursdehs.fr>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 1:07:53 PM
Subject: 💛 June16-16 juin 2024 : 7th World EHS Day – 7ème World EHS Day 💛 (CA En-Fr)

I’d like to inform you that, as every year, World EHS Day, subtitled “World Day of Intolerance to Electromagnetic Pollution”, will take place on June 16.

This Day, which I created on June 16, 2018, was taken up in a few European countries from its first edition and very quickly became global. A dedicated Facebook group promotes it internationally and, this year, almost 2,000 organizations and people concerned by EHS will be informed by email about the event.

Please forward this email to your contacts interested in this cause. If we ALL get involved, we’ll make this a great day!

There are several ways to participate. Everything is explained in the following article: http://coeursdehs.fr/june-16-world-ehs-day-world-day-of-intolerance-to-electromagnetic-pollution/ which also contains all the material at your disposal and links to reports from previous editions.

The objectives of this day remain the same:

. Raise public awareness of wave toxicity,
. Provide information on electro-hypersensitivity,
. Draw attention to the social and health situation of EHS sufferers,
. Gain recognition for this environmental handicap.

I sincerely hope you will join us in this action. Please send me photos of your participation so that I can add them to this year’s report!

Best regards,

Magali Lesure
Founder of the Coeurs d’EHS association (EHS Hearts)

Learn more about us, about the World EHS Day
and join our Facebook group June 16 !


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.”    Aldous Huxley

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation