2024-05-02 May is Environmental Sensitivities Awareness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS/ES) Awareness Month

1) Many places we must enter or go have such high RF levels that even non-sensitive people can feel the effects.

(click on photo to enlarge)

What Exactly is 5G — Part Three

“… areas considered safe from millimeter wave 5G cell service already have concerning levels of millimeter wave radiation. Furthermore, areas that are already exposed to millimeter wave 5G cell service are experiencing additional, unexpected millimeter wave RF exposure.

I and many of my colleagues initially thought that millimeter wave RF radiation was exclusive to 5G cell service and military weapons, but this is not the case.

Today, I’ll discuss two types of exposures that, unfortunately, will affect almost everyone. Consider this: who doesn’t visit grocery stores? Who doesn’t spend time on or near roads? We will also explore ways to minimize personal exposure.”


2) Another article by Katie Singer in which she ponders how we can become less electricity-dependent as the things being created demand more energy. I was surprised to learn that (I think in the US) only 6% of the total power is hydroelectricity.

Discovering Power’s Traps: a primer for electricity users

“We should acknowledge that electricity without ecological damage is not possible. Not if we evaluate power systems from their cradles to their graves.

So then, to decrease reliable electricity’s ecological damage, what options do we have?…

Focus on reducing electricity demands


3) May is MCS/EHS Awareness Month. Please see letter below.


Hi everyone

It’s that time of year again.

May is Environmental Sensitivities Awareness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS/ES) Awareness Month

On May 1, the Manitoba Legislative Building will be lit yellow for the third year.

Thank you to Marg Friesen of the Environmental Health of Manitoba for supporting this endeavour.

On May 12, MCS/ES Awareness Day., the High Level Bridge in Edmonton, Alberta will be lit yellow and green May 12, 2024 for the fifth year!. @cityofedmonton

Thanks to Environmental Health Association of Alberta for their support in this endeavour.


On May 12, I will post this short video on my Marie LeBlanc Artist/Advocate FB page.
I would like to thank Paul D. Turgeon for editing the short video.

I hope you have a great May!

Thank you for your support

Marie LeBlanc


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.”    Henry David Thoreau

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation