2024-05-01 Digital Screen Time & Breast Cancer

1) A major drug store in Western Canada was the victim of a cyberattack, leaving customers unable to fill prescriptions. So far, there is no information about personal data being stolen. Just another example of potential problems in this new digital, wireless world.

Phone lines up, but London Drugs remains closed for 4th day due to cybersecurity ‘incident’

“Stores initially closed on Sunday and will remain closed “out of an abundance of caution” until further notice.

An investigation is underway to look into the extent of the cybersecurity breach.”


2) A lawsuit is ongoing, aimed at the thousands of low orbit satellites that are polluting our skies and environment with toxic metals, chemicals, radiation and more.

(click on photo to enlarge)


“On December 29, 2022, the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) sued the U.S. Federal Communications Commission over its decision to approve SpaceX’s application for up to 30,000 more low-orbit satellites, in addition to the 12,000 already approved and in process of filling our skies. This is Case No. 22-1337 before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and has not yet been decided by the court….

On December 18, 2023, Ms. Solter published a scientific article detailing her fear for our planet. Each of the 42,000 planned Starlink satellites, she wrote, has a design lifespan of only 5 years, after which it will be de-orbited, burned up in the atmosphere, and replaced. She calculated that this will require 23 satellites per day — each the size of an SUV or truck — to be burned up in the atmosphere forever into the future, leaving an enormous amount of toxic chemicals and metallic dust to accumulate in the air we breathe and in the ionosphere….

Some Gateways have up to 40 radomes. Each of those domes weighs 1750 kilograms. Each aims a narrow beam at moving satellites. According to FCC filings by SpaceX, easch beam can have an effective radiated power of more than 1,000,000 watts, which it can aim as low as 25 degrees above the horizon. If you are a bird you do not want to fly anywhere near a Starlink Gateway. And if you are a human you do not want to live near one either. When a satellite aims its beam containing thousands of signals at a Gateway, that beam is about 10 miles in diameter by the time it reaches the Earth.”


3) A newsletter from EMFSA, a South African organization. Lots of interesting articles, this is one of them:

Digital Screen Time and the Risk of Female Breast Cancer

“In recent groundbreaking research, Dr. Alireza Mortazavi and his supervisors at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences have unveiled potential health implications that could affect millions. Their study explores a concerning link between digital screen time and breast cancer risk.”


The Link Between Digital Screen Time and Breast Cancer
https://youtu.be/wM98EsBFvss  (1:02 min.)

Women at risk of breast cancer should avoid screens at night
https://youtu.be/GfeQ0UI2rW4  (1:32 min.)

The report can be found at:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11016821/



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.”      Plato

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation