1) Non-EMF, but information that could be useful. The statement “housing that meets their needs” should apply to all, including those with disabilities, including EHS.
Canada recognizes housing as a human right. Few provinces have followed suit
“Houle wondered in an interview if provinces just don’t understand what it would mean to make it explicit that they viewed housing as a human right. But whether they do so or not, they have still signed onto an agreement under the National Housing Strategy to adopt a “human rights-based approach to housing.”…
“I’m not sure that all the provinces have this in their collective memory,” Houle said Thursday. That approach includes listening to people without homes and focusing on getting them housing that meets their needs, rather than deciding what’s best for homeless people without their input and forcing them into stopgap measures, such as shelters that they don’t want to live in, she said.”
2) Environmental Health Trust and Prevent Cancer Now have created a new website with so much important information that should be shared widely.
Electromagnetic Radiation from Modern Technologies Threatens Biodiversity
“EHT joined with Prevent Cancer Now to develop a website focused on how wireless radiation impacts wildlife and the natural world.
The dramatic worldwide decline of populations of birds, insects and other biota makes this an urgent issue. According to scientists who specialize in this field, exposure to wireless radiation at ambient levels may well be a co-factor, along with pesticides, habitat loss and climate change.
The website is geared to scientists working in field of Biodiversity with a list of scientific studies.”
3) A member had a visit from BC Hydro’s Meter Reader today who was at the meter for 4-5 min. with some hand-held device. The reading took far longer than usual and the member is wondering if anyone else has had a similar visit — he didn’t speak to the Meter Reader to ask what was taking so long.
If anyone has had a similar visit and knows if something is going on, please email me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Meter Reader visit” on the subject line.
(click on photo to enlarge)

& (Not Off) – https://vimeo.com/169954584
Smeters do need to have their software updated periodically and perhaps this is what was going on with smeters that are radio-off and must have this done manually. Last year, my smeter was updated and the Meter Reader attached what looked like a small laptop to my smeter. I find talking with the Meter Readers can be very interesting and often they are very friendly and willing to chat about what they are doing.
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“It is that range of biodiversity that we must care for – the whole thing – rather than just one or two stars.” David Attenborough
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.