2024-04-18 Cell towers replaced by satellites?

1) In my April 16 update there is information about a webinar that was held today about a low EMF community in Nicaragua. I received information about this community, Isla.

The first is a video about the place:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGlfucTHzno  (8 min.)

If anyone participated in the webinar, I would like to share any significant information that could be sent to me at:

citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca  with “Isla” on the subject line.

Jean Hudon provided information the video fails to mention — for example the US issued a travel advisory in January.


Someone else provided an article about significant crime and violence due largely to political instability.


2) From Patricia Burke: Nomophobia is the fear of being without a mobile phone, which can lead to Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks.  Lomo is “Less Online, More Onlife” , thanks to EPIC | Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (EPIC) (iexistworld.org

(click on photo to enlarge)

EARTH DAY 2024: Questioning EMF/5G/RF/AI/VR – Replacing NOMOPHOBIA with LOMO

“From mining to energy consumption to water use to disposal, we have unleashed a tsunami of outsourced damage, with new sights set on colonizing and exploiting space -competitively.

We need to make our choices and decisions about tech more conscious, more inclusive, more ethical, more truthful, and more protective of nature and human health, everywhere.”


3) The title sounds positive but cell towers may become redundant by satellites capable of communicating directly with ‘normal’ smartphones. Very handy in emergencies but polluting the world beneath with more wireless radiation.

‘No need for cell towers’: China has revolutionised smartphone communications



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.”     Aldous Huxley

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation