1) A new study, shared by Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos, concludes that people who are undergoing therapeutic radiation should avoid exposure to wireless radiation prior to, during, and after treatment. In combination, there could be serious damage to DNA. This abstract is only one page long and I strongly suggest reading the conclusion at least.
New study with mobile phone and gamma radiation effects on human cells
Complete report. Consider the wireless radiation from devices in hospitals and clinics.
Mobile telephony radiation exerts genotoxic action and significantly enhances the effects of gamma radiation in human cells
“…People/patients who are subjected to diagnostic or therapeutic treatment with ionizing radiation should be prudently advised to avoid using WC devices for a few days before, during, and after such treatments; 3) Medical/radiology practitioners should be specifically educated on the risks of anthropogenic EMF-exposures in addition to those of ionizing radiations;”
2) News from a California group about the short lifespans of gas smeters.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“PG&E put a notice in the Monterey County Herald yesterday that they want $498 million to replace the AMI modules on the gas meters because the modules are “approaching the end of their expected useful life.” Application A.24-03-011, filed March 14.
However, I remember officials said Smart Meters/AMI had a lifespan of 30-35 years. Didn’t that include the batteries and the gas modules? Some of you were very involved in the California actions and may remember the details. And I hear the same sales pitch being given in other states about AMI lifespan..
Most PG&E Smart Meters were installed 2010-2012, so that’s only a lifespan of 12-14 years — half the lifespan the public was told.
There is likely time to file protests in the proceeding.
The notice also states “Starting in 2027, further costs will be included in the General Rate Case process.” It’s unclear if they mean AMI/Smart Meter costs. Bills are already expensive. If they mean to replace the electric Smart Meters, the costs will be many billions.”
3) Information about a low-EMF housing development available via a webinar. I know nothing about this other than what is provided below, including if there is a cost — you have to register to get this information.
What’s Up with the Low EMF Community in Nicaragua?
Apr 18, 2024 01:00 PM in Vancouver
They’re building a low-EMF housing development in Nicaragua. But who is? Why? What does “low EMF community” even actually mean? We’re bringing 4 of the key players in the low-EMF Isla development to you, to explain what the community is, how it’s being built, how it’s being verified, and more. ”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.” Confucius
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.