1) Katie Singer has provided articles pertaining to varied topics ranging from AI, and its demand for water and energy, to wind power and solar energy, smeters, and more. She has suggested lots of very interesting reading/
Keeping human in a techno world
2) It is unconscionable that IARC refused to review the cancer classification of non-ionizing radiation, as it committed to do years ago, and once more it delays potential review. Obviously there are biases at work, with the “advisory committee” listing RF lower on the priority list than hair dyes and Tylenol. I wonder what they thought more urgent in the reviews done over the last 5 years.
IARC Again Asked to Review RF Cancer Risk, Just Not Right Away
Same Advice Was Given in 2019
“An advisory group to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has —once again— recommended a new assessment of the cancer risk posed by RF radiation. RF is one of about a hundred agents listed as “high priority” for evaluation over the next five years, 2025-2029….
In 2019, this same advisory panel (albeit with a different membership) put RF on the list of high priority agents for reevaluation during 2020-2024. Here again, the panel asked that a new review wait until the second half of the period. This was said to be a political compromise among the panel members, as is likely the case for the new list.”
3) A bulletin from Will Thomas, from Hornby Island, BC, with an update about the status of a proposed cell tower.
(click on photo to enlarge)

– http://www.willthomasonline.net/hornby/hornby-tower-fight/
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Wise men don’t need advice. Fools won’t take it.” Benjamin Franklin
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.