1) EH Trust’s new website provides so much information about the RFR levels in cell phones, other wireless devices and Wi-Fi.
All cell phones have fine print warnings about the RF radiation.
“EHT’s new website on safe technology, the Healthy Tech at Home Project has a webpage dedicated to the fine print warnings of cell phones and other Wi-Fi devices.
These instructions state that the cell phone user should maintain a specified distance between their body and the phone in order to ensure compliance with regulatory safety limits for the radiation emitted by cell phones called radio-frequency or RF for short.
When cellphones are tested in body contact positions, the way most people use phones today, they can emit levels of RF radiation that violate the government regulatory limits. Published research estimates the radiation levels that can be absorbed into the body can exceed FCC’s radiation exposure limits over 11 times.
Where can I find RF exposure information for my cell phone?
– Apple iPhone: Go to “Settings” and then “General” and then “Legal & Regulatory” and then “RF Exposure”
Samsung has a website on RF at https://www.samsung.com/sar/sarMain.do
Motorola has a website on RF at https://en-us.support.motorola.com/app/utils/country_selector/g_id/5344
LG has a website on RF at https://www.lg.com/global/support/sar/sar
Docomo Products (Japan) has a website on RF at https://www.docomo.ne.jp/english/product/sar/
2) Jim Goddard has interviewed Dr. Martin Pall who speaks about many things from natural EMFs to 5G supporting AI.
Are We Living In an Open Air Microwave Oven?
Dr. Martin Pall: Cell phone companies hiding the truth about harmful 5G
https://www.howestreet.com/2024/04/are-we-living-in-an-open-air-microwave-oven-martin-pall/ (49 min podcast)
3) In addition to the health issues and addiction, quality of life and relationships seem to suffer thanks to this digital world we live in.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Digital Dementia
“Are we willing to sacrifice our cognitive abilities and deteriorating mental health for the tremendous benefits of this remarkable revolution? The answer is a resounding yes. We are never going to put that genie back in the bottle….
Mental health and human capacity for learning and adopting has decreased over the last 20 years. As a result, kids are no longer curious, carefree, and happy. They are not learning their lessons, isolating themselves, becoming obese, committing suicide, frustrated, and growing up stressed out.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness.” Arthur Schopenhauer
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.