1) We know, from reading the many studies, shared over the last few years, that wireless radiation is harmful to all living things and yet is treated differently than other pollutants. Please take just a few minutes to submit your comments, for which there are many helpful examples at the link. Dr. Meg Sears, Director, Prevent Cancer Now, and C4ST have worked hard to present arguments and they are asking for your support to show the powers-that-be that this is important to Canadians.
(click on photos to enlarge)
CALL to ACTION by Monday April 8 – Send responses to ECCC re Right to a Healthy Environment – Prioritize minimizing wireless radiation
Regarding CEPA (Canadian Environmental Protection Act) and the right to a Healthy Environment.
This is another extremely important opportunity to give input for much needed recognition and action for reducing wireless radiation pollution (a.k.a. electrosmog) in our environment.
Please forward to others who may want to submit comments.
Submission deadline is Monday, April 8, 2024
Please take a few minutes to send your comments to ECCC: HealthyEnv-EnvSain@ec.gc.ca
2) Please see update in Letters from Oona McOuat on Salt Spring Island Rogers cell tower. Hopefully, others might benefit from the decision and the reasoning behind it.
Federal Court
Date: 20240308
Docket: T-1107-23
Citation: 2024 FC 395
Ottawa, Ontario, March 8, 2024
Present: The Honourable Mr. Justice Fothergill
Between: Julian Clark – Applicant
Attorney General of Canada, Islands Trust Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee, Rogers Communications Inc, Capital Region Emergency Service Telecommunications, and Cypress Land Services – Respondents
JUDGMENT – p.62 of 234
3) If this decision stands, it will be a major step in granting local authorities the right to protect against wireless radiation. Until now, like Canada, the USA has given telecoms power to ignore communities’ concerns. The ISED in Canada says that local Councils cannot argue against an application for reasons of health or property values, resulting in proliferation of cell towers and transmitters throughout our neighbourhoods, even on schools and hospitals. Perhaps this win could lead the way for us.
‘Huge Win’: Court Rules Big Telecom Must Comply With State Environmental Laws
“A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge last week ruled that federal law does not preempt California’s state environmental law, which requires environmental impact reviews before telecom companies can apply for permits to build new wireless infrastructure on scenic highways and historic sites….
W. Scott McCollough, lead attorney for the plaintiffs, said in a press release, “The court’s ruling is a huge win in the battle against unfettered proliferation of wireless because of the known risks to the environment and people’s health.”
The judge also noted that an environmental impact analysis is necessary for proposed wireless projects, like 5G small cells or cell towers, along scenic highways or historical sites.”

I hope this finds you enjoying the beauty of spring.
I just read the decision made by federal court Justice Fothergill on the Judicial Review application we presented to him in February re: the Rogers Channel Ridge, Salt Spring cell tower. (The decision is found on page 40 of the current SS-LTC agenda package here:
https://islandstrust.bc.ca/document/salt-spring-ltc-regular-meeting-agenda-28/ )
Unfortunately, the judge sided with Rogers and the federal government and dismissed our judicial review, claiming that Julian Clark did not have “standing” in this case, and hurtfully accusing him of being a “busybody”, although he did commend the outstanding job Julian did representing us in court.
To add injury to insult, Rogers and ISED have demanded costs, so Julian is required to pay them $3,000 each; a total of $6,000.
There were many statements made by the judge that I could counter, but the bottom line is that we have a corrupt federal antenna siting policy in place which favors profit-guzzling telecoms to the detriment of those who care about their communities.
It is worth noting that the judge accused us of going after the “wrong decision” so should another team decide to go this route when opposing a tower, it is wise to pay close attention to that part of the judgement rendered.
There may yet be another act up our sleeves. We will keep you posted.
With Warm Regards,
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” Leonardo da Vinci
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.