2024-03-27 Cell tower radiation: an Environmental Justice Issue

I have some happy news for a change. Someone has come forward to take over the production of the updates. This person has been involved in fighting and educating about wireless radiation for many years and is extremely knowledgeable. The handover will not be made for a couple of months. Until then, I and all of the core members have agreed to continue on. Stay tuned for more information. We are still looking for a new webmaster– we hope to have someone who is familiar with our group and has supported our efforts volunteer.

1) A long read about the threat of RFR, primarily from cell towers, especially to children, which is becoming more dire with the proliferation of 5G. Legal battles are increasing across the USA and hopefully will in Canada as more people become educated and damaged. I hope you will encourage people new to the topic to read this.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Our digital world: The toxic radiation health threat

“Critics of both the FCC and the ICNIRP say both entities have rejected mountains of data from a growing body of evidence that a combination of RF waves coming from cell towers and antennas and devices in our homes, offices and schools are causing a range of harmful non-thermal effects that are happening well below their recommended maximum levels. In fact, set safety levels and limits of RF in Europe and the Middle East are tens of times lower than in the United States….

5G – which is now widely used – relies on frequencies from 6 GHz up to and beyond 86 GHz within the millimeter frequency bandwidth. These higher energetic frequencies are composed of shorter wavelengths allowing for much more information to be delivered over a shorter time frame. But higher frequencies with shorter wavelengths don’t penetrate structures as easily as longer wavelengths, so without any further modification, these high-frequency signals would be blocked by trees, building materials, and even precipitation. As a remedy, engineers have figured out how to focus the millimeter waves into a narrow beam directed at its target device. The increased intensity of the beam enables penetration through houses and offices….

According to Melnick, while the high frequencies of 5G do not penetrate the skin, it is absorbed largely on the skin’s surface. “Right now, we have no studies or data to know if this is harmful or not over an extended period,” he said. “The problem with 5G is it also uses lower frequencies of 3.5 gigahertz which penetrate deeper into the brain of a child than they do of an adult. Exposing children is different because it’s a new technology and children are going to be exposed to it a lot longer than those of older generations. That to me is my biggest concern.”…

Cell tower radiation is an environmental justice issue, and as is the case with other environmental pollutants; its impacts will disproportionately impact people of color and with low income,” Scarato said. “Cell towers increase RF radiation in the areas close to the antennas and are often disproportionately placed on schools that have higher numbers of minorities and students needing free and reduced meals.”


2) A brief follow-up by this independent news magazine in Michigan.

The new, but unknown, threat to our health

“… Further, the self-imposed moratorium on study and investigation by a federal agency, the Federal Communications Commission, must be lifted and scientists must be permitted to study the effects of radiofrequency emissions.

Perhaps it’ll all go up in smoke. Or maybe it really will be the “new tobacco.” Either way, the public is owed an assessment of the new potential health threat.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”    Eleanor Roosevelt

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation