1) In California, PG&E is applying for nearly $500 million to replace gas smeters that they say are approaching the end of their lifespan, which seems to be 12-14 years instead of the promised 30-35 years in its first application. These are the same promised lifespans BC Hydro and FortisBC made for the smeters we had to have, yet the first (and only) announcement of replacements occurred in 2016, or only 5 years after the first were installed. We have been given no information about the replacement of smeters since this announcement.
Analog meters, whether for gas or electricity, lasted for 30 years or more, and are/were much cheaper to begin with.
“PG&E requests that the Commission adopt its 2023-2026 expense forecast 7 of $11.7 million, and its 2023-2026 capital expenditure forecast of $485.1 million for the Comprehensive Gas AMI Replacement Program.”
2) In last night’s update, there was an item about VR devices being used in schools, in the US, as teaching aids for children as young as 3. These are emitting amazingly high levels of microwave radiation directly into the head — without warnings to parents, teachers. Do the Trustees, who are responsible for the health of students, know or care enough to do their due diligence?
Immersed in Danger: The Shocking EMF Risks Lurking in Your VR Headset
“The immersive worlds of virtual reality transport us to faraway lands and futuristic adventures – but could this captivating technology come at a hidden cost to our health? As VR’s popularity skyrockets, so too do concerns about the invisible radiation these devices emit just inches from our eyes and brains….
A growing body of research suggests that the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by VR devices – the same non-ionizing radiation produced by cellphones and wireless tech – may pose signficant health risks, especially for children. An independent analysis found the popular Oculus Quest VR headset emits radiation up to 5 times highers than the FCC’s safety threshold of 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg).”
3) Marg Friesen’s C4ST Newsletter.
C4ST Open Meeting — All Welcome
Tuesday, April 9 7:30 pm Eastern Time, 5:30 pm Central Time, 4:30 pm Pacific Time
(click on photo to enlarge)

Health Effects of Wireless Radiation on the Elderly by Sharon Goldberg, M.D.
4) A “must-read” article by Patricia Burke about the politics and history of health complaints now called the “Havana Syndrome”.
The Politics of Reporting for “Havana Syndrome”
“The findings from the National Institutes of Health are at odds with previous research that looked into the mysterious health incidents experienced by U.S. diplomats and spies.” “The lead scientist on one of the two new studies said that while the study was not designed to find a cause, the findings were consistent with those determinations.
The authors said the studies are at odds with findings from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, who found differences in brain scans of people with Havana syndrome symptoms and a control group.”...
In “War of the Waves: Combating Espionage in Embassy Moscow,” the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training reports, “One of the strangest episodes was revealed in the 1970s, when the U.S. confirmed that the USSR had been beaming microwaves at the embassy for the past 15 years. One concern was that the Soviets were trying to inflict physical harm on the Americans working there. Famed columnist Jack Anderson wrote that a CIA file named “Operation Pandora” described the Soviets’ attempt to “brainwash” Americans.”
More info links: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/us-senate-finally-admits-that-neuroweapons-exist-passes-bill-to-help-diplomat-victims-s-1828-havana-act-of-2021/
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.