2024-03-21 High tech spies

1) Many, if not all, “smart” devices are capable of gathering personal information. Like cars, for example, smeters are similarly gathering data which can be used to determine habits of residents. Unless these “smart” devices are turned off (which, in many cases, is impossible), our privacy is invaded without our being told and without our permission being given.

High-tech cars are secretly spying on drivers, resulting in insurance rejections: NYT report

“Many Americans’ driving habits are monitored without their knowledge or consent, and their driving data is being used to make decisions about insurance coverage and rate….

The New York Times reported:

Modern cars have been called ‘smartphones with wheels,’ because they are connected to the internet and packed with sensors and cameras. According to the complaint, an agent at Liberty Mutual told Mr. Chicco that he had been rejected because of information in his ‘LexisNexis report.’ LexisNexis Risk Solutions, a data broker, has traditionally kept tabs for insurers on drivers’ moving violations, prior insurance coverage and accidents.”


2) Radiation, whether it comes from smeters, cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi or satellites, is damaging our planet. Arthur Firstenberg blames the satellites for causing major harm to many.

Where have all the insects gone?
Satellites are taking them, every one

“If we want to have a planet to live on, not only for our children but for ourselves, the radiation has to stop. Not only do the cell towers have to come down that are so ugly to look at, but also the cell phones that we hold in our hands and have become so dependent on, and the satellites that are squeezing all the life that remains out from under them. We are running out of time.”

Where have all the insects gone?


3) Patricia Burke describes how we can change our behaviours to reduce our dependency on wireless technology. Each of us needs to do what we can, as individuals, to end the damage being done, the increased energy that is being consumed. If we don’t, who will?

(click on photos to enlarge)

Equinox Conservation: EMF/RF/5G/Wireless – Choices that Harm or Harmonize?

“An implication of Moore’s law is that as efficiency and availability increases and consumer costs decrease, overall consumption actually increases.

This creates a conundrum for efforts towards conservation.

Efforts to improve efficiency and increase sustainable development only exacerbate the problems they are meant to solve, more than negating the environmental gains. We have little trouble turning increases in efficiency into increases in consumption.””



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.”      Isaac Newton

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation