As a follow-up to Friday’s update , I will continue with updates until March 31. Hopefully, some volunteers will step forward and take this over to continue to provide interesting and, hopefully, beneficial information. Many of us would be very sad to see this end after so many years.
1) Scientists have been warning that insects are disappearing at alarming rates. Not only are they pollinators for our food, but they are food for birds and other animals. We depend on these tiny creatures and this report warns of possible extinction. Below in Letters is the introduction that came with this report. There is an awful lot of info in this link.
The results of the meta-analysis by Thill, Cammaerts & Balmori (2023) show that mobile phone radiation has negative effects on insects
“In some of the studies evaluated, insects were found to be damaged by mobile phone radiation from a field strength of 2 V /m (~ 10,000 μWatt/m²). The German Federal Office for Risk Assessment recommends a safety factor of 100 for setting toxicological limits. This can also minimize the synergistic effects of different pollutants.”
Please note that the field strength of 10,000 microwatts per square meter converts to 1 microwatt per square centimeter (uW/cm2). Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 [SC 6] varies with the frequency, but cellphones are using 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz. SC 6 allows 535 uW/cm2 for 2.4 GHz and 883 uW/mc2 for 5.0 Ghz, or 535-883 times the level found to damage insects.
The study is 17 pages long, but well worth reading and sharing widely.
“This systematic review summarizes the results of studies investigating the toxicity of electromagnetic fields in insects. The main objective of this review is to weigh the evidence regarding detrimental effects on insects from the increasing technological infrastructure, with a particular focus on power lines and the cellular network. The next generation of mobile communication technologies, 5G, is being deployed – without having been tested in respect of potential toxic effects….
Thirty-six of the fifty-five HF-EMF studies reported in this review used field strengths lower than 6 V/m (∼100 mW/m2 ), and 31 of these 36 studies (86 %) nevertheless found statistically significant adverse effects, starting at about 2 V/m and peaking around 6 V/m. This is below the regulatory thresholds established by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) (41 V/m, or 61 V/m above 2 GHz), and even below the particularly stringent installation limits only found in a handful of countries…
As power losses become greater due to scattering, reflection, and the lower penetration force of higher frequencies, the radiated power of base stations will also have to increase to ensure comfortable wireless connections in homes and vehicles. The 5G expansion is leading to a significant increase in EMF emissions, as suggested by recent measurements”
2) As always, a very interesting article by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Equinox Balance Act: Addressing Unhealed-Pandemic-Telecom- Dependency
“… due to trauma and addiction, we have become the equivalent of telecom hoarders and/or addicts. We do not know when enough is enough, and too much is too much.
And many, especially decision-makers, are choosing willful ignorance. The regulatory and political systems are themselves in a state of imbalance, and basing decisions on a foundation that lacks structural integrity because the science is corrupted….
We are absolutely at an evolutionary threshold, with clear choices needing to be made about right and wrong decision-making, especially concerning children, vulnerable populations, and nature. (See the 2021 court remand to the FCC here, which the FCC and the nation have ignored.) Like many other instances of “late lessons from early warnings” corrupted non-protective decisions are being made, despite the need to pivot.”

From: <>
Date: Tuesday, 19 March 2024 at 6:00 am
Subject: Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Insects: a Systematic Review and Metaanalysis
Dear colleagues in science and research,
the German and Swiss environmental and consumer organization diagnose:funk presents the newly published BEEFI study (under the motto “Silent Spring 2024”). This study Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Insects: a Systematic Review and Metaanalysis is the most comprehensive review and evaluation of the research situation on insects and electromagnetic fields (mobile phone radiation, magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines) to date.
The most important result of the BEEFI study: “Non-thermal biological effects of EMF on insects have been clearly demonstrated in the laboratory.” Negative effects include impaired orientation, reduced fertility and a weakened immune system. New field studies confirm these results.
The peer-reviewed BEEFI study was published in the renowned journal “Reviews on Environmental Health” by de Gruyter. The authors conducted the study over the course of three years on behalf of diagnose:funk. It is a systematic review according to PRISMA criteria and a meta-analysis. For the study, 119 individual peer-reviewed scientific studies in the field of insects and electromagnetic fields were analyzed. The results of 51 studies could even be used for a meta-analysis due to the good data quality.
All about this study, translations in German and French, fact sheets and a video at: and (German).
>>> Watch Video
Read also: The long road to meta-analysis by Thill, Cammaerts & Balmori at:
The BEEFI study: Thill A, Cammaerts M-C, Balmori A (2023): Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Insects: a Systematic Review and Metaanalysis, Reviews on Environmental Health; English original version:
Cited in the reference database of the Federal Government:
>>> We would be delighted if you would pass this information on to your colleagues.
Best Regards
Peter Hensinger, M.A.
Zweiter Vorsitzender
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“We’ve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces. Who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people don’t know anything about it?” Carl Sagan
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