1) Industry-funded study provides the results the industry wanted and, perhaps, paid for.
Mobile phone users who talk for a long time do not have an increased risk of brain tumours
“A large international research study, COSMOS, initiated by Karolinska Institutet and Imperial College London, UK, has studied over 250,000 mobile phone users to investigate whether those who use mobile phones a lot and for a long time have a higher risk of brain tumours than others. The study, published in Environment International, found no association between long-term cell phone use and the risk of brain tumors.”
This page offers an English translation:
This article was provided by Mona Nilsson on her facebook and also is available in English:
After reading it, I asked Mona if she had further comments, especially given that in the article the authors state that several have worked with WHO and EU but failed to mention their close ties to ICNIRP. She provided the following:
“This Cosmos study was initially funded by large telecom companies i.e. Ericsson, Telia, Telenor and Nokia
The scientists involved are known to have denied health risks with cell phone radiation for many years.
The two first authors are Maria Fecyhting and Joachim Schuz. Both have a history of having manipulated a study on brain tumor risks for children (CEFALO in 2011). They limited the question of exposure to DECT phones to “the first three years” of use without any scientific motive, which clearly led to biased results on exposure. Furthermore despite the fact that most OR:s in the study was increased the authors claimed the results would be “reassuring” for children using cell phones. The study was partly funded by telecommunications companies through a Swiss foundation.
Also, Joachim Schuz and two other authors of this Cosmos study, Christoffer Johansen and Alslak Harbo Poulsen, are authors of the worst cohort study on mobile phones and health risks ever performed. This so called Danish cohort published 2001, 2006 and 2011 was also initially funded by telecom companies. It was clearly designed to fail to observe any health risks since it excluded the by far heaviest users during the 1990 decade which was the corporate users. These heaviest users were by the design considered as non-exposed since they were part of the unexposed control group.
https://www.bmj.com/content/343/bmj.d6387 and https://academic.oup.com/jnci/article/98/23/1707/2521896?login=false
See critique of the Danish cohort and the Cefalo study in: https://www.fortunejournals.com/articles/aspects-on-the-international-commission-on-nonionizing-radiation-protection-icnirp-2020-guidelines-on-radiofrequency-radiation.html
Maria Feychting is also a long time member and former vice chair of ICNIRP – an industry defense organization claimed to be independent that promotes exposure limits clearly outdated and insufficient for the protection of public health and the environment, that are on the other hand important for the telecommunications industry.
In conclusion: This study must be evaluated in the light of that the study is partly paid for by telecom companies and performed by scientists with ties to industry and a history of producing manipulated studies giving all clear results for industry.”
2) Fertility rates around the world are decreasing and it is very possible that cellphones are contributing to this. Please share this article.
(click on photo to enlarge)

– https://academic.oup.com/humupd/article/23/6/646/4035689?login=false
Detrimental impact of cell phone radiation on sperm DNA integrity
“This report was undertaken to review the existing research discussing the effects of RF-EMR on the DNA integrity of mammalian spermatozoa….
For this review, we drew upon existing studies to assess the impact of RF-EMR emitted from mobile phones on sperm DNA quality. Notable knowledge gaps include a detailed review of the mechanisms through which DNA damage occurs in human spermatozoa following exposure to mobile phone RF-EMR. Our objective was to explore the potential effects of this EMR on sperm chromatin and DNA structure, based on a thorough analysis of previous studies. Additionally, we present our perspectives on this subject to establish a scientific foundation for future research….
Damage to the sperm genome can ultimately impact fertility, potentially leading to infertility. Therefore, it is advisable to limit daily exposure to these sources to prevent irreversible damage ….
Many men carry their cell phones in their trouser pockets or clipped to their belts, and the use of Bluetooth can increase their susceptibility to RF-EMR exposure. This exposure can induce changes in sperm quality through oxidative stress, potentially leading to infertility. ”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley
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