Correction: In last night’s update, I missed providing the link for the final item. Sorry about that.
Scientists Propose Enhanced Protection for Smart Grid
1) As a result of ongoing issues with Shaw, a repairman was sent to look at the modems and TV boxes in our home even though Shaw acknowledges that the problems that we have been experiencing most likely are not related to them. In my discussions, I learned that Shaw is eliminating all of the wired internet modems and TV boxes, “upgrading” them with new wireless models and has been refusing to replace or repair wired models for the last 12 months. Shaw is using just about any excuse to get into homes to make the switch and, apparently, soon will not allow wired models to be used.
In discussing the new models, I was told that there are some that can be wired and for the wireless to be disabled but it is entirely the customer’s responsibility to provide and install the wiring. And if something goes wrong, Shaw will not help. I am obtaining information about these models and will share it as soon as possible.
Just be aware that Shaw is doing this. And if Shaw has done work in your home recently, the switch might have been made without advising you about the ramifications.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) A reminder of a C4ST Zoom meeting on Tuesday — open to all,
Implications of the Radical Model of Disability for Advocacy and Clinical Care of Persons Living with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) by Riina Bray, MD and David Fancy, PhD
Open meeting, all invited to attend.
March 12, 2024, 7:30 pm eastern time, 5:30 central time, 4:30 pacific time
3) The EHTrust newsletter, for which I have not found a link to facilitate sharing, has a lot of very interesting information. Here is just one item which has many excellent resources. EHT’s newsletter is available to all who sign up via email to:
“Environmental Health Trust” <>
“We shared with you how 5G “small cell deployment” will increase energy use and contribute to environmental e-waste and pollution. The harmful effects of technology densification will impact humans, plants and animals due to the increased wireless radiation exposure. Studies have documented DNA damage, immune system damage, increase oxidative stress, and sleep and memory loss from exposure.”
A Sampling of Published Scientific Evidence Associating Cell Phone Radio-frequency to Cancer
4) New studies how that even the micro-organisms in our digestive system appear to be negatively affected by RFR which could lead to significant health problems.
Wireless radiation affects gut health
“Did you know that gut health is important for health and mood? When gut problems occur, they can trigger physical symptoms and emotional problems such as depression and anxiety. And, because the gut communicates with the brain, they can even affect the way we think.*
Now scientists have found new evidence that gut health can be affected by wireless radiation.”
5) Katie Singer’s latest article which is devoted to wishes for a new home for Palestinians
Imagining a techno-sustainable Palestine
“Call me unrealistic, call me naïve: I dream that Palestinians can rebuild their community with sustainable technologies on land that they securely call their own….
Go for wired telecom infrastructure to every household. Go for infrastructure that you control—not Pelephone, not Cellcom, not Israel’s prime minister, not Elon Musk (who controls lots of satellites). You cannot localize mobile, wireless systems. I know, I know—people love their smartphones. But if you want control of your communications, use copper wires or fiber optics. Wired systems are much simpler than mobile systems: you can keep them local.”
From: Petrina Gregson (name given with permission)
Date: On Thursday, March 7th, 2024 at 7:39 PM
Subject: landlines
To: <>
Dear Angela;
I am a 77 yr old living in a cell-free area (Wells Gray Provincial Park in BC). We still have a land line and, of course, cell phones don’t work up here. Due to bad weather, we lost service this winter for 11 days. We live in upper Clearwater; the lots are a minimum of about 10 acres in size, so neighbours are not really close. Many are elderly, some in poor health. We rely heavily on our land lines. It’s bad enough that there are very few public phones anymore; I have had to buy a cell phone for when I go to the city, even though it’s of no use here. Telus is our server. I do hope that land lines will not become extinct.
Those of us who research the health hazards of EMF resulting from cell towers, smart meters, cell phones, etc. have chosen to live in a healthy environment but assumed that we would always have land lines. Thank you for your article. Keep up the good fight! For decades people have lived without cell phones, but had always had land lines. There are still places and people without cell towers and cell phones. Let’s not forget them.
Thank you,
Petrina Gregson
Subject: Disconnect by Devra Davis: Uncover the Truth about Technology’s Health Risks – Get Your Copy Today
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024
From: Environmental Health Trust <>

New, Expanded, and Updated Edition of Disconnect: A Scientist’s Solutions to Safer Technology
“This 2024 update to the 2010 original book reveals the health risks of modern technology, offering both a cautionary tale and practical solutions. Dr. Davis, along with contributions from EHT’s Theodora Scarato, presents authoritative insights supported by irrefutable research. It’s a must-read for anyone concerned about the impacts of wireless radiation on health.”
“[Davis] picks apart many of the assumptions that continue to guide cell phone regulations. . . and] makes a compelling case for U.S. authorities to update their standards, especially in light of how much we now use our devices and the number of teenagers who now have them.” Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post
Key Points From the Updated Edition
• Science now confirms cell phone radiation can lead to cancer, sperm damage, and harm to fetal brains and testes.
• Government studies reveal EMF from phones can cause cancer and DNA damage.
• Children are at higher risk due to their thinner skulls absorbing more radiation during crucial development.
• Strong scientific evidence compels governments to limit EMF exposure, prioritizing protection for vulnerable groups.
• Cell phone radiation tests conducted by industry and submitted to the government are flawed because they do not mimic realistic use-case scenarios.
• Solutions are plentiful and you can start at home.
This book is available via Amazon.
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” Christopher Reeve
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.