1) Several years ago, James Clapper, a former director of US National Intelligence, warned that having a wireless electrical grid was dangerous because it could be hacked quite easily. In fact he warned that it wasn’t a matter of if but when this would happen, taking us into the “dark ages”. This sounds dire.
FBI director warns that Chinese hackers are preparing to ‘wreak havoc’ on US critical infrastructure
“FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday warned that Chinese hackers are preparing to “wreak havoc and cause real-world harm” to the US.
“China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities, if or when China decides the time has come to strike,” Wray told the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party….
“Unfortunately, the technology underpinning our critical infrastructure is inherently insecure because of decades of software developers not being held liable for defective technology. That has led to incentives where features and speed to market have been prioritized against security, leading our nation vulnerable to cyber invasion. That has to stop,” Easterly said.”
2) Over the years, I’ve provided free links where a blue filter can be downloaded for your computer screen. It can be timed to come on when the sun sets, to coordinate with the circadian rhythm. But for those with sensitive eyes, the timer can be adjusted so that the filter comes on earlier. I have timed my filter to come on 4 hours earlier by inputting my location as being in Newfoundland. The programs are:
f.lux – https://justgetflux.com/ &
Night Shift (for Mac) – https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT207513
(click on photos to enlarge)
Blue Light Dangers: The Hidden Cost of Screen Time on Your Eyes
“While the focus of this article is on how blue light affects your eye health, consider also that the eyes are a direct portal into your brain, another exremely EMF sensitive organ which can be profoundly adversely affected by excessive blue light exposure.”
3) Below in “Letters” is an important press release concerning the fight to recognize the residents’ of Hornby Island right to refuse, again, Rogers’ application for an un-needed and unwanted cell tower.
The following press release has been sent to:
CBC News (Vancouver)
CBC On The Island (Victoria)
Comox Valley Record
Comox Valley News
Eagle News (Courtenay)
Global BC News
Comox Valley Record
CBC On The Island (Victoria)
The Province/Vancouver Sun (Vancouver)
The Times Colonist (Victoria)
The Islands Grapevine
To: Newsroom editors & producers
From: Concerned Residents of Hornby Island (CRHI)
Re: Rogers interference in local governance
Date: Jan 31, 2024
We’ve had enough!
The office of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry has today acknowledged receipt of our request for ISED’s immediate intervention to rein in a rogue corporation and its notorious consultant, who have run roughshod over our community since Aug. 2022.
Based on internal emails obtained under a Freedom of Information request, as well as similar complaints from sister communities, this 15-page brief details the underhanded tactics employed by Rogers Communications and SitePath Consulting in attempting to force a 206-foot telecommunications tower on an 11 square-mile rural community of 1,200 residents. A similar bid by SitePath’s Brian Gregg, on behalf of Telus, was voted down by our local government in 2017 — in favour of the safer, higher capacity and more reliable fibre-optic network now nearing completion.

Today’s brief was accompanied by a Legal Opinion from Barrister & Solicitor, Carla R. Conkin. Both are available as encrypted attachments on request.
Besides posing an unacceptable fire risk at the edge of a provincial park forest, the proposed industrial structure would forever blight our tourist-attracting viewscapes, opening the way to a second tower near Helliwell Park. Even worse, its powerful, overlapping and continuous electromagnetic radiation would expose highly vulnerable pregnant moms, infants, children, elders, pollinators, plants, wildlife and the infirm to electrosmog long-established to be hazardous to all creatures. (See our illustrated, 15-page environmental brief, also available on request.)
Rogers’ proposed megatower is unneeded and unwanted. At least half of Hornby Island is already served by cell towers on adjacent islands; 24/7 cell service is currently provided by Elon Musk’s Starlink, orbiting overhead.
With seven additional mobile service providers signed up, Rogers’ stated intent to provide cell service throughout the northern Salish Sea violates our legislated Official Community Plan (OCP). Moreover, Roger’s relentless refusals to hold a public meeting on Hornby directly contravene ISED (federal), CVRD (provincial) and LTC (local) government regulations.
Our complaint also calls out the Islands Trust Corporation, whose planners have segued from obligatory cooperation with Rogers to collusion and a complicity that saw direct interference in our 2022 Local Trust Committee elections.
There are good reasons for Salt Spring Island to be in Vancouver’s federal court tomorrow (Feb 1) seeking judicial review of Rogers Communications and ISED. Fifteen months after Rogers’ belated tower notification in local papers, we need this corporate harassment shut down now.
Thank you for your attention to this breaking story.
William Thomas on behalf of the Concerned Residents of Hornby Island
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Perhaps in time the so-called Dark Ages will be thought of as including our own.” Georg C. Lichtenberg
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.