1) More information about the importance of the cut of research on RFR by the NTP which was in last night’s update. The government’s cessation of the work occurred while NTP was continuing significant research and had made progress toward reaching important goals (this was posted on the NTP website earlier in January). What are the government and the telecoms afraid of discovering?
(click on photos to enlarge)
No More Research on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health, Government Says
“The National Toxicology Program said it no longer plans to study the effects of cellphone radiation on human health, citing technical challenges and lack of resources — even though its own $30 million study found evidence of cancer and DNA damage….
Commenting on the news, Davis said, “It is the ultimate arrogance and folly to stop doing research on this major growing environmental pollutant, precisely when we have ample evidence of harm….
“The government’s decision to stop funding research on cellphone radiation is consistent with the Chinese proverb ‘If you don’t want to know, don’t ask.’
“The US government has a variation of that in the policy of, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ If you don’t want to know whether cell tower radiation is having a biological impact, stop doing the research!” ”
2) Below in Letters is information regarding an upcoming (Feb. 1) judicial review of the Rogers Channel Ridge Tower (Salt Spring Island, BC). Several people worked for months to prepare a strong Review Application. This hearing is a major last step in the process. You have an opportunity to attend and provide support.
3) An unbelievably horrible event is planned, exposing athletes performing very dangerous ski-jumps while exposed to extremely high levels of RFR. I doubt that anyone has given this one second’s thought, or has been aware enough to measure the level of radiation to which these people will be exposed.
“On February 9-11, 2024, world-class skiers from around the globe will gather at Lake Placid, New York for the purpose of jumping off a cell tower….
When a skier sits on the bar from which he or she will launch, he or she is irradiated directly from above by both panel and whip antennas, and that radiation bounces off the reflective snow beneath him or her while skiing down the slope prior to jumping, which quadruples the radiation because of the reflections. And that is not even the main problem. The harm done by the radiation is caused not only by its power level but by its bandwidth and the number of signals you are bathed in. The antennas on this ski jump tower will be broadcasting hundreds or thousands of signals simultaneously during the World Cup Event when every spectator will be using his or her cell phone.”
4) We all know that, although children are extremely vulnerable to wireless radiation, in most classrooms they are being exposed, all day every school day, to very high levels. It is vital to get information out to educators and parents so that precautionary measures can be implemented. Shelley Wright has founded an important group, Canadian Educators for Safe Technology, and would appreciate your support in helping to spread the word. Please see a letter (below) from Shelley and please consider supporting her efforts.
Letters: (2)

From: Oona McOuat
Subject: Feb 1 – Judicial Review Hearing for Rogers Channel Ridge Tower – How to Attend & Update
I hope this finds you well and cozy.
The SSI Rogers Channel Ridge tower February 1 Judicial Review Hearing with a Federal Court judge in Vancouver is fast approaching.
As mentioned in my December 10th email message, you are welcome to attend this hearing in person or virtually.
The Canvasback Road tower has been up and running since last July. In the meantime, Julian Clark, Scott MacLean and I have created what I believe is a very strong judicial review application. The February 1st Hearing is the last step in this process, with the judge’s decision likely taking several months to be revealed.
How to Get Involved
1. On an energetic level, please visualize that a just, empathetic and non-telecom industry affiliated judge be given this case. I believe our case will sway any reasonable judge, and also believe a little light sent that way could help create a clearing in the muck so to speak that will support justice to prevail.
2. Attend the hearing. Please note this is not the place to protest. If you attend in person you are there to be a silent yet supportive witness. There is also an option to attend virtually. Registration must be done at least 24 hours in advance. More on that below.
With Very Best Wishes,
1. The Hearing
Date: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Where: Pacific Centre – 3rd Floor, 701 Georgia Street West, Vancouver
Time: Starts at 9:30am – until 4:30pm.
2. In person – You do not need to register in advance. However, you should leave time to get through security. And you must enter the gallery chambers when the hearing is not in session (so you have to be in your chair before 9:30am). You are not allowed to speak out or disturb the hearing – if you do, you will be removed.
3. On-line – You do have to register at least 24 hours in advance of the hearing. You can find the registration at the following link:
Given the Hearing is almost two months away, you’ll have to scroll quite a distance to find it in the hearing list. If you push the “Western” region button, our Hearing is currently on page 6.
Push the icon button next to our Hearing and a box will open that you must complete. All you have to provide is your name and a valid email address. As the hearing date nears, the court will send you a link.
This is the preferred method to attend for those of you that are boisterous – you can yell and swear as much as you like wherever you may be watching from!
From: Shelley Wright, Director, Canadian Educators for Safe Technology (CE4ST)
Facebook Call to Action, Canadian Educators for Safe Technology (CE4ST):
Canadian Educators for Safe Technology needs your help to show that policies that would limit cell phone use in schools is an extremely important issue that needs immediate attention. The science shows cell phone use can have many adverse effects including mental and physical health. To demonstrate the magnitude of public concern and commitment, we need at least 1,000 Facebook Likes to show a strong public interest in this topic, and to bring this FB page to the forefront of visible posts.
CALL TO ACTION: Please FOLLOW, LIKE, and SHARE Canadian Educators for Safe Technology’s Facebook page and “like” today’s post.
1. Search Facebook for: Canadian Educators for Safe Technology.
2. Press Follow.
3. Press “Like” on each post you see.
4. Share – share today’s post, by FB or by sending email messages.
Thank you for making a positive difference in schools!
BACKGROUND: Canadian Educators for Safe Technology wants to urge school boards, trustees, parents, the Minister of Education, Senators, and other government representatives to give their immediate attention to extremely important, daily, safe technology issues in schools. We need a strong following of concerned citizens who support safe technology in schools – to show that solutions are possible. Please share this request with family, friends (parents, grandparents, etc.), and groups you associate with including community and non-profit groups. Thank you kindly for your support!
Shelley Wright
Let’s protect our environment and biodiversity. Protecting migratory birds, pollinators (bees), plants and animals, from RF (microwave) radiation will support the well-being of future generations.
“Things are only impossible, until someone decides that they’re not”. David Suzuki
Sent from my fast, safe, secure WIRED INTERNET laptop connection, with NO WiFi enabled.
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Where ignorance is bliss, ‘Tis folly to be wise.” Thomas Gray
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.