1) Rogers, Telus, and the Islands Trust all have been threatening the democratic process on Hornby Island, very similar to what has been happening widely on Vancouver Island, in British Columbia and across Canada. This is a copy of an article from a local newspaper, the Gulf Islands Driftwood.
Democracy is paper thin
2) The Precautionary Principle is being implemented in municipalities in Argentina, requiring proof of safety before allowing 5G technology to be installed. This article is in Spanish, but Google translation to English is available.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Ushuaia prohibits the installation of 5G antennas in the city; joins three other national municipalities
“The city of Ushuaia, in Tierra del Fuego, joined this Tuesday the list of four municipalities in the country that resolved to prohibit the installation of antennas for 5G communications technology until there are scientific and environmental studies that guarantee the safety of the associated radiations. with these devices that promise to exponentially optimize the speed and volume of data exchange….
The initiative was promoted by members of the group Organized Citizens to Regulate Telecommunications (CORTE), which has representatives in Tierra del Fuego. The rule prohibits 5G “until medical, scientific and epidemiological studies are presented that demonstrate the total harmlessness of these radiations.”
3) We should be encouraged by the decisions in other countries, such as Argentina and France. If concern for health over profit becomes more common elsewhere, it might become more difficult for USA and Canada to justify their current practices.
Court orders removal of man’s Linky electricity meter
“He had been suffering from headaches which he claims were due to electro-sensitivity triggered by the Linky meter…
The court in Saint-Etienne noted that Mr Cascina was suffering, and ruled that the meter should be removed.
The ruling was based on the court’s interpretation of the European Court of Justice’s ‘Principle of precaution’.
This states that “in case of doubt as to the cause or extent of harm to individuals, institutions can require protective measures without waiting for the reality of the risks to be fully established.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” Ralph Marston
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