I will be taking a break (and giving you one) from updates until 2024. I wish each of you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe 2024.
1) From Safe Tech International, ideas to escape from the “techno insanity” for an hour or two, to slow down and enjoy the world as it could be.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“…consider adding your unique voice to the Global Action Days for Freedom and Sanity from our hyper-digitalized, technologized CRAZY, LOONY world!!!
The next Global Action Day for EMR Freedom is happening this weekend. Please join in as we all call for a mass exodus from cyber space and a return to the natural, animate world of beauty, heart-to-heart relationship, and the possibility of true joy.”
2) Shelley Wright, Director of Canadian Educators for Safe Technology, suggests how the Declaration can be used to educate and raise awareness of parents, teachers, and public officials.
ACTIVATING the International Children’s Declaration
https://1drv.ms/v/s!ArsmbcxPXiWvg-ItoF3N1fCmuzwCBg?e=3jjUcn (4 min. video)
3) From Dr. Joel Moskowitz — lots of new papers to read over the holidays. One that looks very interesting “ICNIRP Guidelines’ Exposure Assessment Method for 5G Millimetre Wave Radiation May Trigger Adverse Effects” by Redmayne and Maisch with response by Ken Foster and Balzano and a reply back to Foster and Balzano by Redmayne and Foster. I don’t know Balzano but Ken Foster has long been a supporter of the telecoms, disputing any evidence of harm from EMF. He was on the panels that reviewed Safety Code 6, just one of the “experts” selected by Health Canada to decide that “Safety Code 6 is just fine.”
27 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health
4) Warnings from an IT person at an insurance company about the data that will be gathered by soon-to-be mandated digital devices on cars.
Driving to dystopia: Whistleblower exposes coordinated plans for tracking and disabling your car
“A whistleblower from the German insurance industry has warned this month of an alarming trend – which may see all cars in the near future capable of being remotely disabled….
He continues with a warning of public ignorance over this significant factor in the increasing application of artificial intelligence in a rapidly developing technological world: “Many people don’t see or understand what will happen to us with this great digitalization revolution – especially the possible dangers or misuse.””
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Oprah Winfrey
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.