2023-12-14 Auditor General Annual petitions report — EHS Key Issue

1) The Office of the Auditor General tweeted twice about the annual report, and included the statement below about the Key Issues including EHS. There are several petitions to Health Canada related to EHS, wireless devices, etc. Responses are required. The titles are active links to summaries of the petitions. To receive a complete petition and the response, you can email the OAG and request it by number: 


Environmental Petitions Annual Report

“Environmental petitions are a unique way for Canadian residents—acting as individuals or on behalf of an organization—to bring their concerns and questions about environmental and sustainable development issues to the attention of the federal ministers responsible and be guaranteed a response from them. The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development administers the environmental petitions process on behalf of the Auditor General of Canada….

Key issues raised
Petitions submitted during the reporting period addressed a wide variety of environmental concerns and issues, including the monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions, construction activities, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and pesticide use.”


2) Warnings that the UK government and health systems are highly vulnerable to hacking/ransomware, and probably similar problems exist in Canadian and US systems. Cybersecurity experts have been predicting such events for many years and that problems will become worse with IoT and, especially, AI.

A hostage to fortune: ransomware and UK national security – Report Summary

“… large swathes of UK critical national infrastructure (CNI) remain vulnerable to ransomware, particularly in sectors still relying on legacy IT systems, and we have particular concerns about cash-strapped sectors such as health and local government. Supply chains are also particularly vulnerable and have been described by the NCA as the ‘soft underbelly’ of CNI.

As a result of these vulnerabilities, a coordinated and targeted attack has the potential to take down large parts of UK CNI and public services, causing severe damage to the economy and to everyday life in the UK.”


3) A Christmas gift warning from Safe Tech Hawaii:

(click on photo to enlarge)

Hearing loss. Fungus infection. Radiation into the brain. Those are the risks associated with airpods. It’s really sad to have to send a message like this at this festive time, but the holiday season is here and big tech is pushing its toxic products. We’re doing it because we care.

Airpods are a known health hazard. We suggest you avoid using or gifting them. Wired headsets are safer. Download the InfoGraphic and help spread the love to those you care about:

Please avoid anything BlueTooth, as Class 1 BlueTooth emits the highest radiation.

Best to also avoid anything “smart” as “smart” is not wise!

Some so-called “smart” toys are surveillance devices and can collect kids’ fingerprints, iris scans, vital signs and more. That’s in addition to the wireless radiation exposures.

And then there’s the sad news that Meta (FaceBook, Instagram) deliberately collects biometric data on millions of kids and doesn’t want anyone to know.”



Sharon Noble,  Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.”     Khalil Gibran

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation