1) This sounds like a very important webinar, one that might provide ideas about how we can use the Declaration to raise awareness.
“You are cordially invited to the first “International Webinar on Children in the Digital Age”
Please join us for the first International Webinar on Children in the Digital Age
Wednesday, December 13th at 1:00 pm Eastern time. 12:00 pm Central time, 10:00 am Pacific Time
Advocates from organizations around the world will share their ideas and discuss how they will use the International Children’s Declaration to raise awareness of the issues with decision makers in their countries.
Join primary Declaration author Julian Gresser, ART’s Doug Wood and fellow advocates from England, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Germany, Australia, Denmark and the United States for a fun and informative program.
The webinar is free but attendance is limited. Please register at:
A recording of this webinar will be made available on the Declaration website for those not able to attend.”
2) ICNIRP, the secretive, club-like organization which somehow is considered THE authority of non-ionizing radiation, whose guidelines Health Canada and FCC follow, has new members, but it appears nothing else will change. It will still refuse to acknowledge health effects other than heating. Its mantra could be “If it doesn’t burn you, it won’t hurt you.”
ICNIRP Revamp: Closer Ties to WHO EMF Project
“In November, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) elected a new chair, vice chair and seven new Commissioners to join the remaining five. The new lineup takes over in mid-July 2024.
Yet, despite all the changes, ICNIRP’s outlook and policies are expected to remain much the same. While two medical doctors will be joining the Commission —there are none now— the membership will continue to be dominated by physicists and electrical engineers. ICNIRP’s entrenched thermal dogma will most likely continue to hold sway with cancer risks, and other non-thermal effects downplayed, when not dismissed outright.“
3) Cece Doucette continues to have community programs on a local TV station in Massachusetts. The most recent ones are about how 2 women were affected by microwave radiation invading their living spaces.
Meet Leonore and Sue
“Thanks to WCCA-TV for giving us this platform to share what it is like trying to live with electromagnetic illnesses.
Below, in Episode 19, meet Leonore Alaniz, a smart, heart-centered senior citizen sleeping in a tent outside (in New England in December!) because of dangerous wiring errors in her senior housing apartment. Both the dirty electricity and her neighbor’s Wi-Fi produce man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that make this otherwise healthy, vital woman sick. To date, her housing authority has not helped.
(click on photos to enlarge)

We’ve put Leonore in touch with her Senator Jo Comerford to intervene, hopefully before the snow comes in heavy on her tent.
Then in Episode 21, meet Susan Fama, a bright young woman also displaced by the man-made radiation pulsating into her apartment.”

Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“As long as I’m learning something, I figure I’m OK – it’s a decent day.” Hunter S. Thompson
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.