1) From Arthur Firstenberg about effect of EMF on animals as reported by people from many different locations.
(click on photo to enlarge)
Dogs, Cats, Birds and Maui
“In response to my last newsletter, “Don’t irradiate the birds!,” readers have sent me accounts from far and wide of what has been happening not only to the insects, birds, forests, etc., but also to their pets from being irradiated. I have also discovered more information about the birds of Maui.”
2) Severe reactions to RF from 5G antennae developed quickly in children when they were close to them and disappeared as soon as they left the area, What would happen if they could not leave?
Kids Developed Headaches, Stomach Pain, Sleeping Issues While at Vacation Home Near Multiple 5G Antennas
Three children and their parents rapidly came down with multiple health problems — including sleep difficulties, headaches, stomach pain and skin rashes — when they stayed at a summer home 125 meters away from a cell tower with multiple 5G antennas, according to a new peer-reviewed case study.…
“This is the sixth scientific report on the human health effects of real-life 5G radiofrequency (RF) radiation written by Dr. Lennart Hardell, a leading scientist on cancer risks from radiation, and Mona Nilsson. It is also the authors’ first report on how 5G affects the health of young children.”
3) A very interesting, and concerning, interview which can be translated to very good English by clicking on the upper right corner. The doctor “explains why the interaction between the use of digital media outside of school and at school leads to reduced intelligence.” The negative effects can be permanent, causing problems with conceptualizing, memory, etc. There have been many articles about the problems for children who are exposed to screens at young ages, but this doctor delves into the reasons she found after many years of research.
Pisa shock: What does brain research say about the educational catastrophe and the digitalization of learning for children and young people?
Interview with Prof. G. Teuchert-Noodt: “… even half an hour is half an hour too much for the child!”
“In childhood, digital stress on maturing cortical areas generally has even more serious consequences than in adults. If wiping and typing in the sensory-motor fields of the cerebellar and cerebral cortex only allows one-sided contacts to develop, this also leads to an undersupply of associative areas.
It is predictable that this will make it difficult to learn to speak and write and that access to mathematical thinking will remain completely blocked. The earlier the child is introduced to the technology, the more dramatic the damage will be.”
https://www.diagnose-funk.org/aktuelles/artikel-archiv/detail?newsid=2037 (slow to get to article)

From a member. If anyone has any information about new cell towers, new small cells, etc. in Qualicum Beach, please let me know at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Qualicum Beach” on the subject line.
“I live in Qualicum Beach (specific location omitted) and have done so for almost 30 years. I believe myself to be sensitive to EMF/R Frequencies, and experience dizziness in and around Qualicum Beach. Not usually indoors because we have made our house as protected as we can. Last Friday in the early afternoon, I started to experience intense dizziness indoors, most unpleasant. Saturday and Sunday were the same, but I forced myself to get out in a nearby wooded area for some fresh air and exercise. Usually I am way less affected in these wooded areas, but I had to rely on me husband’ arm, and a stick, to assist me to walk. Meanwhile feeling just awful.
My question is, are you aware of any activating of satellites, or upping of the 5G frequencies in the last couple of days? I cannot determine what else could be responsible for this amplification of my dizziness that still persists today. .”
Her symptoms have occurred during a very active solar period, and many sensitive people suffer problems during these events.
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“I am tomorrow, or some future day, what I establish today. I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day.” James Joyce
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.