2023-12-01 – Telecom Fires

1)  A free webinar by the Fiber Broadband Association, Dec. 14. Registration is required.

Connecting Rural Communities with Reliable Future-ready Networks

“Broadband access is essential for social and economic development, but millions of people in rural and remote areas still lack reliable and affordable internet services. How can we bridge the digital divide and bring high-speed broadband to all communities?

In this webinar, we will explore the challenges and opportunities of building fiber broadband access networks for communities that do not have fiber broadband, focusing on key aspects including architecture and testing solutions that are critical in delivering a reliable customer experience.”


2)  Some interesting results, and observations, from taking RF measurements around various locations in and near Victoria by Norm Ryder, who is both sensitive and very knowledgeable. The study Norm mentions is the BRAG study that Dr. Havas began a couple of years ago and which is ongoing.


(click on photos to enlarge)

Electromagnetic Radiation on the British Columbia Legislature Front Law

“I was prompted to do a check of the levels at the legislature when I noticed the levels were getting uncomfortably high for me. In October of 2023 I was at a rally and found I was getting a headache I typically identify as a radiation induced headache, I was felt an increasing level of stress and found it increasingly difficult to focus on recording the speakers, both symptoms I associated with electromagnetic poisoning.”


Does your town have a high electromagnetic radiation zone as high as Sidney, B.C.?

“The accompanying video is of the measuring of the radiation at various locations in Sidney.

I’d been previously doing these measurements for a study with Dr. Magda Havas and had a good idea where the high levels of radiation were. I started one block to the west of where I did the studies for Dr. Havas and went down to the waterfront, which covered more than the area that I did for her study.”


3) There are many reasons for replacing cellular communications with fibre optic cable, and risk of fires is just one of them. This excellent article provides a lot of great information. Do please note that the information about the funding for FOC [Fiber Optic Cable] applies to the USA, not Canada.  FOC is the future and communities need to be encouraged/pushed to have it to and into homes, even to build their own networks. Invest in FOC and own it. The advantages will be immense and could pay for the program.

Telecom Fires & Federal Wireless Bills

“Few would dispute that an electrical device failure can cause a fire. Yet what eludes those promoting more than 50 federal wireless bills is that each cell tower is an electrical device. Cell towers and their related telecommunications equipment can cause devastating fires. Worse, these fires cannot be extinguished through conventional means.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,’ Alice remarked.`Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat: `we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’ `How do you know I’m mad?’ said Alice.`You must be,’ said the Cat, `or you wouldn’t have come here.”   Lewis Carroll

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation