2023-11-22 Smeters — Crucial for IoT

1) Part 1 in a series of articles about the role smeters play in the IoT. As experts have reported before this, smeters are the gateway for obtaining and “sharing” data from a multitude of sources. Even in our homes, the smeter has the capability (yet to be implemented as far as we know) of communicating with and obtaining data from all “smart” appliances and devices, from fridges and TVs to toothbrushes. We have to keep watch for Part 2.

Smart meters – the most important ‘thing’ in the internet of things (a creation story)

“If we accept the planet faces an existential crisis in terms of how energy is generated and consumed, and we accept the business adage (sales gambit) that you can’t manage what you can’t measure, then smart meters are arguably the single most important technology out there. This is hyperbole, of course; but you get the point. If society is in a race against time to change and manage the energy mix, and save itself from a climate apocalypse, then it needs the tools to mark its progress. The humble smart meter is the tool to save us all – so long as politicians and corporations are ambitious, brave, and correct with the data insights that flow out of it.

… we are also writing about meters just because they are the most viable and most proven application in the IoT business, and because their role in global energy transition, as the defining challenge of our time, is critical.”


2) Premature babies were exposed to continuous RF emissions for 21 days and the conclusion was that their sleep was disturbed!! What kind of researcher would expose a vulnerable baby to such danger for any reason? Who knows what other health effects they suffered or will suffer. Hospitals are filled with wireless radiation from all sorts of devices already, and it is well-documented that RF-EMF disrupts melatonin production among other things. So why this “research”?

(click on photos to enlarge)


“Research supported by The French National Research Program for Environmental and Occupational Health found impacts from chronic wireless radiation frequency RF-EMF on the sleep of hospitalized preterm newborns….

The main chronic effect found was an increase in indeterminate sleep with RF-EMF exposure. At the highest exposure levels, an increase in RF-EMF levels increased sleep fragmentation. No significant relationship was found between acute (short term) RF-EMF levels and sleep parameters.”


3) A member suggested this be shared again for new members. This topic is such an important one, especially given the low fertility rates which have been dropping in many countries during the last 20 years or so — just about the same time period when cell phones have been in just about everyone’s pocket.

EMFs Destroy Sperm

“Recent research found that men who used their cellphones more than 20 times a day had significantly lower sperm concentrations and total sperm counts (TSC) than those who only used them once a week or less, placing them at a 30% increased risk for having sperm concentration below the reference value for fertile men, and a 21% increased risk for having TSC below the fertile range.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”      Mark Twain

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation