2023-11-20 Today is the Day of the Child

1) Today is the Day of the Child, and the Declaration was delivered to the UN. But this is just the beginning. Please consider supporting and sharing for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

(click on photos to enlarge)

“The Declaration, with the initial signatory list, was delivered to the Secretary General of the United Nations on World Children’s Day, November 20, 2023.

Additional copies of the Declaration with updated signatory lists will be provided to other world organizations throughout the year as the number of signatories grows.”


2) For many years, government agencies in developed countries like the UK, USA and Canada have ignored scientific evidence that exposure to RFR is dangerous. Now they are ignoring evidence that 5G (not milliwaves) technology increases the RFR levels dramatically and results in biological effects above and beyond those resulting from exposure to “older” technology.

UK government ignores studies showing adverse health risks associated with 5G towers

“On November 14, I spoke to Mona Nilsson, one of the authors of these 5G case studies. She is appalled that the public is now exposed to such high and clearly dangerous levels of RF radiation and not only in city centres but in people’s own homes, where they are irradiated without informed consent. Many people in this situation cannot afford to move away….

In her opinion, the telecoms industry is now acting in the same way as the tobacco industry did in the past. Experts who question the safety of RFR are smeared or silenced. Journalists, decision-makers, and some experts have been bought by the telecoms industry. She says that a small group of experts on RF radiation denying health harms sit on the most influential advisory boards, and that those who disagree are never invited to join them to broaden the debate, despite the fact that the dissenters may represent the majority of expert opinion.”


3) Provided by a member — a media release by the Greater Victoria School District, presenting ideas dealing with climate change.
Of course one item is energy management but my guess, based on past experience, is that there will be no consideration of replacing wireless devices with wired (fibre optic cable?). Wireless uses many times more energy than wired. The impact if the many school districts (approximately 100 in BC with many schools in each) converted to fiber, replacing Wi-Fi in schools, could be significant.

Statement from the Greater Victoria School District Board of Education Chair Nicole Duncan regarding the Greater Victoria School District’s Climate Action Plan

“The Climate Action Plan identifies a strategic plan involving five core pillars:

1) Education, Engagement, and Leadership;
2) Lands and Water Stewardship;
3) Waste Reduction;
4) Energy Management;
5) Sustainable Transportation.”



An important webinar/meeting that I hope many will be able to attend to lend support. Please share.

Hello Everyone!

Please Save the Date: We need your Help.

On Wed. Nov. 22nd there are two Safe Tech Events:

1. Live webcast or attend in person (Bracebridge, Ontario)
Nov 22nd at 1:00pm ET, 10:00 am PT

Dr. Magda Havas will give a 5G presentation by Zoom to the Muskoka District Finance Committee meeting in the District Council Chamber at 70 Pine St. in Bracebridge. This will be a significant event and human presence in the chamber would be welcome. You can watch the meeting live online at

Here is the link for the live webcast:


Additional information: Dr. Havas is a world expert on a wide range of pollutants and more recently focused on the biological effects of electromagnetic pollution (great website here, amazing bio here).

2. Via Zoom only, please attend this evening Community Meeting, to show solidarity. Councillors invited. EVERYONE welcome.

Nov 22nd at 7:00pm ET, 4:00 pm PT

We need a large number of participants to show local wireless enthusiasts and Muskoka District Councillors that placing cell towers near the local hospital and in close proximity to individuals who are medically diagnosed with electromagnetic hypersensitivity is ethically questionable.

It’s crucial to demonstrate to the community and the Town Council the importance of prioritizing wired technology and RF-absent spaces.

Hosted by Muskoka Canadians for Truth.

PRESENTERS will share key information about 5G and balancing technology needs in communities:

a) Dr. Magda Havas, Professor Emeritus, Trent University,

b) Sheena Symington, Director, Electrosensitive Society,

c) Shelley Wright, Director, Canadian Educators for Safe Technology

Zoom link is:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84922501628

Please also promote this event! We need to show the Huntsville Council and Community that safe wired technology is inclusive, safe, energy efficient, provides superior connectivity and privacy, AND protects vulnerable residents. They need to see as many people as possible on this zoom call to show them how many people truly are concerned about safe technology.

Kind Regards,

Shelley Wright

URGENT APPEAL TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA to Suspend the 5G Rollout and to Choose Safe and Reliable Fibre Connections

afin qu’il suspende le déploiement de la 5G et opte pour des connexions par fibre optique sécuritaires et fiables

Canadians For Safe Technology is a national, not-for-profit, volunteer-based coalition of parents, citizens and experts.


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Knowledge is power.”     Francis Bacon

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation